Chapter 13

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in ages, I've been busy *cough* American Horror Story *cough* Editing pictures on IG *cough*. But I hope you enjoy, Daga helped me think of some new really good ideas so it's going to get good soon. I've decided I'm going to wait a few chapters until some "real drama" otherwise they've been there for 2 days and everything is happening. Sorry, TWD is starting now so i need to go but i hope you enjoy asfghjkikjhgtfuvsn bye xD 

Thea’s POV

As I watch Otto walk away, I suddenly feel a rush of anger run through me. I take a step forward and punch the nearest tree. I instantly regret it and retract my arm, looking at my now bloody knuckles with a few splinters sticking out. I scream in frustration and I feel a hand rest on my shaking shoulder. I slap it off and turn around, seeing an awkward looking Justin. I raise my fist and punch him straight in the nose. I don’t know why though, I’ve never been a violent person whatsoever. That’s Otto’s job. He takes a slight step back in shock, but before I can calm myself down I (somehow) push him over and repetitively hit him in the face. I manage to get a few good punches in before he grabs my hand and flips me off him. “Crazy bitch!” He shouts, holding his cheek. Jake drags me away from him by my armpits and I don’t really do anything. Honestly, I’m just as shocked as everyone here. From the left of the wall I hear a heard of people running and screaming our names, probably from our scene earlier of pushing everyone who hadn’t already been knocked over down. “Miss Blakely! Would you please explain why-“ Mrs Lowe screams before stopping. She looks as Justin standing up with a slightly bruised jaw and a few drops of blood dripping out of his nose, Jake holding me down and the rest of the boys standing confused. “Everyone to my office, now! Mr Parry, please escort Thea to isolation for me.” A reasonably old, tall man with greyish white hair walks towards me and helps me up, holding me by my upper arm and pushing me back towards the building.

I sit in a room with light brown walls, plain grey flooring and a few tables and chairs stacked in the corners. The window blinds are all down and the only light is coming from the broken lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. There is a dirty looking water tank in the corner with a packet of plastic cups sitting on top of it and from what I can see there are about 4 security cameras in different areas of the room. A short, slightly chubby woman who is apparently our school nurse waddles in with a bowl of water, a flannel hanging out of the bowl and holding something in her hand. She pushes her rectangular glasses up her nose and set everything down on a spare, dusty table. “I’m Mrs Beckett, the school nurse. I heard you caused a little trouble with the boys in your form? And am I right in saying you have only been staying here for, not even, 2 days?” She asks, dipping the flannel in the water. I rock back on the grey, plastic chair as she moves towards me. I move back when she raises the flannel. “Relax, I’m cleaning up your bloody fists.” She murmurs, dabbing my hands with the cold cloth. She then goes back to her equipment and takes a cup from next to the water dispenser, filling it up and passing it to me. She then hands me 2 white pills that I hold, confused. “Unfortunately, I’m not allowed to send you back with other students until you take them.” She frowns, putting the flannel back into the bowl. “What do they do?” I ask, staring at them like she just handed me a spider. “Calms you down.” She tells me, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. I put them in my mouth and put the cup up to my mouth. She turns around and scribbles down some writing on a piece of paper. While her back is turned, I spit the pills out and quickly drink the cloudy water, putting them into the now empty cup. I put it into the small, rusty bin that’s sitting in the corner of the room and tell her I took them. She nods her head and tells me that if I start to feel sleepy, it’s totally fine.

When I get back, I’m told by the nurse I have to stay in one of the boy’s room until Otto comes back in case I “try to do anything stupid”. I roll my eyes and try not to laugh as she nearly trips over a can of beer lying on the ground. I knock on Chandler’s door, knowing he’s probably the only one who won’t try to make awkward conversation as I sit on my phone until Otto comes back. He opens the door and flicks his fringe out of his eyes. “What?” He grunts, as Mrs Beckett steps into the doorway. “Mr Riggs, Thea will be staying with you until Miss Blakely returns. Please make her feel as welcome and be your usual, kind self.” She tells him sarcastically, using that as her escape moment. She trips over a few pieces of litter on the floor and Chandler sighs, opening the door enough for me to get in. Somehow, his room is messier than the hallway. There are various pieces of men, and woman’s, clothing lying on the ground and I think there is a chair buried under the empty boxes of pizza, bottles of drink and socks. I stand awkwardly as Chandler opens the door to his bathroom, turning around to look at me. “Make yourself at home, I’m gonna take a piss.”

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