Chapter 8

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Sorry I didn't upload, i don't even care. I forgot it was Monday yesterday xD This so far is probably the chapter I'm most proud of and hardley anything happens xD Also, I'm mega pissed because my school are now banning Vans (the shoes) in September (yes it's ages away but I don't give a duck). And they are the types I wear and let me tell you now i am NOT going back to my old dorky tap-shoes Dx But who cares about my life, hey? Here's the next chapter, hope you enjoy and all that bull xD seriously though, hope you enjoy and see you soon, Cheerio :D 

Otto’s POV

Even though it took a lot of effort, we finally managed to get up to the top floor. I take out a bobby pin I have hidden in my hair and pick at the window lock, opening it and collapsing on the floor. Honestly, I’m the only person in the world who could injure myself this much on a road sign. I lay on the floor, my bad leg propped on a desk. I’m not even sure whose room this is, but all I know is that I have my head on their pants. I sit up as Chandler falls in behind me, panting heavily. I do honestly feel bad for him. I basically made him give me a piggy-back ride the whole way up. Once we’ve both got our breath back, I sit up and look around the room. There are clothes everywhere and a few pair of girl’s underwear hidden in different places. I cringe and he must have realised, since he scoffs and stands up, flopping onto the bed. I roll my eyes and wobble to my feet, using the desk for support. There are lighters and boxes of empty cigarette packets everywhere, ash spilling from a fallen over ashtray. I stumble over to the door, stepping over the empty beer cans and empty fast-food boxes with what looks like mould growing on them.  I open the door and kick a random bra out of the way. “Thanks, I guess.” I mumble before walking into the equally as dirty corridor. I jump when I see a group of teachers trying to kick in our doors, all shouting and screaming. They snap their heads towards me and I can already see the anger in their eyes. I quickly step back into Chandler’s room and slam the door, locking it before I hear banging and screaming from the other side. “What now?” he groans, standing up. I raise an eyebrow and slam my fist against the door where the teachers are already trying to break in. He sighs and groans in frustration, throwing a book at the wall. I frown at him and wait for his little tantrum to blow over. The teachers stop and all start to try and politely ask for us to come out, making Chandler laugh. I roll my eyes for about the millionth time tonight and open the door, answering it with a fake perky smile. “Hi, can I help you?” All of their faces look like they are about to explode, which I will admit does look quite funny. “I hope you and your little gang know you are in serious trouble!” Mrs Lowe screams, her head shaking as she shouts. “Sshhh, you’ll wake someone up. I’m sure we can discuss this like grown-ups, can’t we miss? Unless you’re too immature?” I ask innocently, trying not to laugh at their expressions. “That. Is. It. You haven’t even been at this school for a day and you are already causing trouble!” She says through gritted teeth. I feel like saying something else, but Chandler comes and puts an arm around my shoulder. “Calm your ass miss, we weren’t casing trouble were we Otto?” He explains, looking at me perkily. I decide I’ll hit him later, so I sweetly smile and nod my head in agreement. “Ahh, Mr. Riggs. I should have known you were involved in this.” She spits, looking at him judgmentally. “I would have thought it was obvious I was involved miss. God, I thought teachers were supposed to be clever.” He sighs, shaking his head in pretend disappointment. I swear at that moment I can see a vein pop in her head. “You 2 will be attending a 2 hour detention tomorrow in isolation. And as for your friends, they should hope they get back after I’ve left.” She screeches, before storming off down the corridor, nearly tripping over a piece of stray glass. I giggle and duck away, out of Chandler’s arm. “Good night Miss Lowe!” I chant gleefully, before skipping back to my room and slamming the door.

The next morning, I wake up with my ankle throbbing and back feeling like it has a million bruises all over it. I groan and sit up, pushing my hair out of my eyes. I look in the mirror across the room and see all my make-up from last night is smudged around my face. I sigh and swing my legs out of bed, shuffling to the bathroom. I sit on the floor and moan loudly when I realise I’m wearing converse. I struggle, but manage to take both shoes off eventually and get in the shower, spending most of the time trying to remember what happened last night. The only parts I can remember were being basically saved by Chandler and getting a detention. Neither of them are great things to remember. I step out and try to make myself look reasonably presentable. I pull on a purple, black and pink galaxy top with black skinny jeans and white trainers. I have a black hoodie hanging out of a draw, so I grab that and brush my hair, drying it and leaving it in its normal curly side fringe. I got some letter posted through that I had my detention in 3 minutes, so I get my phone and open the door, walking out and seeing Thea walking out of Justin’s room. “Oooh, did someone get laid last night?” I tease, making her grunt and shove past me, basically flopping into the room. I sigh and walk past Chandler’s room, wondering whether I should check if he’s in. I decide to, and open the door, since I remember we didn’t lock it last night. When I walk in, my eyes widen. When Ciara first came to this school, I remember her telling me she wasn’t going to get with any boy. Now she’s lying in the same bed as Chandler Riggs. Well great.

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