Chapter 6

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I'm about 10% sure this is chapter 6 but whatever if it isn't xD Also this chapter is crappy but whatever xD

Otto’s POV:

One minute I was standing around with Amy and her gang being bored to death hair and with make-up ideas, the next minute being basically dragged into the forest area of the park. I try to scream out, but firstly the music is too loud, and secondly after about a second of screaming a large hand covers my mouth. I do know how to fight, but he must know better, since he’s holding down all body parts I would have used to kill him with. Despite there being no point, I carry on pointlessly kicking as we continue through the woods. Another 2 minutes later, I hear a second muffled scream join in with mine, realising it is Thea’s. I freeze, letting my raised foot that was preparing to kick out slam down. I wince out loudly as my heel bounces off an old metal pole sticking out of the ground slightly. It was probably just a broken sign pole, but it felt like I had just hit my foot with a knife dipped in lava. Maybe a bit of an over exaggeration, but I’m not currently in the mood. After what seems like a year, we stop and the man drops me. I land down with a thud, automatically clinging to my now bleeding ankle and looking around frantically for Thea. She is soon dragged in by another man who looks slightly frightened by her violent thrashing around and muffled screaming, a small amount of blood dripping from his head. He shouts out as she bites down on his hand hard and gets up to run to me. However she is stopped when she trips over her own feet, narrowly avoiding him trying to tackle her, resulting in them both falling to the ground looking embarrassed. “Meant to do that.” She murmurs, standing up and rushing to me once more. The man tackles her successfully this time and pins her to the ground, this time silencing her screams by shoving her face into the dirt. I look up at the man holding me back by my hair (bitch move), trying to make out his features through the darkness. All I can tell is that he has shaggy, curly brown hair, hanging down as he looks at me smugly. “Now we don’t want to hurt you-“He starts in a surprisingly rough voice. “Tell that to my damn bleeding ankle you twat.” I snap back, making his eyebrows frown. “I suggest you shut up.” He growls, pulling my hair back harder. “Bear with me while I go get you a nail file and a Starbucks will you?” I murmur, probably loud enough for him to hear. He jabs a finger between my shoulder blades making me jump forward and arch my back. “Rude.” I whisper, this time quietly. Thea has managed to flip the man and is shoving who-knows-what into his mouth, but my guard doesn’t seem to realise. Thea stands up after making sure the man can’t move, signalling she will get help. I nod, understanding even her and I put together couldn’t take him down. All I have to do is put up with this for the next few minutes, preferably without my ankle or anything else for that matter being hurt further.

Thea’s POV:

I swerve through the trees, trying to keep a steady breathing pace. I feel terrible for leaving Otto, but even her and I put together couldn’t take him down. That man had had one too many burgers. I must have gotten distracted, but I snap back into reality when I collide into a tall body, instantly rushing forward and flipping them over to pin them against the tree. The person switches it over so that I’m pinned, raising a fist ready to punch. I tense as I get ready for the pain, but it never arrives. I open one eye and realise its Chandler. He’s panting heavily and his hair has gone wild. “Are you ok?” He almost shouts demandingly, releasing the grip he had on me. “Otto…men…dirt...ankle...” I wheeze out between breaths. His face drops as I point lazily in the direction I came from. He grabs my arm tightly once more and forcefully pulls me back to where Otto is. I’m already tired from running the first time, so he basically pulls me the whole way. We only talk when either I’m complaining or he’s asking me if he’s sure we are going the right way. I confirm my directions when I find the tree with the man’s blood on it where I managed to hit him once before he hit my head on the tree root on the floor. We run for another minute until we reach the area where the man still is unconscious and Otto is pinned against a tree as her kidnapper is fumbling with her short’s buttons. Her face is a mixture of fear and utter pissed off. Before I can even react, Chandler is already on top of him, throwing punches at the man who is 3 times his size and weight. The fight switches and Chandler gets hit in the eye, setting Otto off. She lunges at him, kicking both his knee caps and pressing her thumbs into his eyes. He screams out, and I’m pretty sure she has managed to break at least one of his legs. Chandler grabs her off him and checks her ankle, seeing the dirt stuck to her blood. Whatever she did, I’m sure it was hilarious but I feel like now isn’t the time. He picks her up, carrying her bridal style back towards the party. Even from here I can see her facial expression freeze and her body tense up. I laugh, remembering the last person who tried to pick her up. All I’m saying is that it was a trust exercise and she ended up dis-locating his arm. We are a really happy gang, aren’t we? Either way, she doesn’t argue and lets him carry her. I’m pretty sure she could probably walk on her own, but I won’t ruin her moment of happiness. Even though she wouldn’t admit it, when she saw him she stared at him a lot longer than anyone else, despite trying to look away casually. I check both men have suffered enough pain and jog after them, trying not to grin as I see something I don’t see that often. One of the rarest sights in the world… Autumn Blakely is actually blushing.

Yeh I know, I might as well spell out horse doo-doo with this chapter cause it's that rubbish. But that's not the point. The point is I had an existential crisis and I'm gonna go cry in a hole now so bye xD

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