Chapter 7

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So here is a new chapter, sorry it took me so long to update. Incase you haven't realised I've  been writing my Carl Grimes fan fic and actually updating regularly (*Audience claps*). But I haven't updated anything else so thats kind of bad (*Audience throw tomatos at meh*). Anyway, this is kind of short but I needed something to update so sorry xD Update: I learned how to add media (I know, what a noob am I, on wattpad for 3 months and I only now figures out how to now xD) so imma add a picture of Bae for you. I know it's him on TWD set but every picture I add will probably just be random pic of Bae xD Anyway, hope you enjoy and see you soon, Byyyeeeee :D

Otto’s POV

Even though I’m perfectly capable of walking, Chandler insists that he carries me. I try to argue, but he lifts me up effortlessly and walks back to the party. “Who even were those people?” I ask him, curious to who we left laying back there. “It doesn’t matter, your safe now and that’s the end of that story.” He answers sternly, making me shut my mouth. I feel my cheeks burn, something I’m not used to. Behind us, Thea is grinning at me, making hearts with her hands and stupid kissy faces. I roll my eyes as Chandler walks on, his eyes concentrated forwards. As I start to hear the music in the distance once again, I panic. “What exactly are we gonna do about my ankle? I can walk but it will be obvious, and I don’t know how I’m going to get back into school.” I ask, making him look down at me. Suddenly, I realise how blue his eyes are. I guess I’m not a very good observer. “Don’t worry, I’ll take you back.” He huffs, still keeping our eyes locked. Even though he just helped me, I can’t help but get pissed at how he’s acting so moody. “You know, I never asked to be taken by them, and you can just let me go home on my own, Thea can help me.” I mumble, hoping he didn’t hear. “I know you didn’t, but a thank you would have been nice.” He snaps back. God, if he is always this moody then I don’t know what I’m gonna do.

Chandler’s POV

Somehow, Otto manages to fall asleep as I shove through the crowd. By the time we got through, Thea had been dragged away by the boys to dance, leaving me alone carrying a sleeping girl with a bleeding ankle. I sigh and wonder what to do. If I go back to the school, I’m going to have to basically drag her over the wall and sneak through the entrance instead of climbing. But if I stay here the chances are she’s going to have to be with me all night because of the sickos around here. I sigh and practically storm back to the school, her body fidgeting every few minutes. When we get to the gates, I start shaking her in my arms, hoping she’ll wake up. Her eyelids flutter open and she looks around, her eyebrows frowned. She relaxes when she sees me and lifts her legs to get down. Since I have just carried her for about 20 minutes, her legs probably have no feeling in them so she clings to me, trying to keep upright. I try not to smile and wrap her arm around my shoulders to support her. We walk, well she limps, around the wall until we get to the tree where I have to lift her up to get to the lowest branch. After a bit of her falling off the branches, I finally manage to get her over the wall. I glance at the building and sigh. The teachers can see when the elevator is being used, so it’s either sneak up about 10 flights of stairs or climb up a 10 story building with the possibility that she could fall. Both of them sound exhausting. When I turn around to look at her, I can’t see her. I spin around and find her half way across the field, limping towards the school. I groan and run after her, her face looking forward, determined, instead of looking at me. I walk next to her, genuinely surprised at how fast she’s limping. When we finally get to the building, I stop and look up at our room windows about 9 floors up. “This might take me a while.” She sighs, placing a hand on the first window ledge and pulling herself up. Within the first second, her foot slips off and she huffs in frustration. She might be right. This is going to take a while.

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