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So thank you to the people who have been commenting and voting lately, it really does mean a lot xD
But I have been thinking about what I'm actually going to do with this story lately because I don't really want to delete it but I have no idea what to do next. I feel like if I continued with the typical "oh they kissed, had the frickle frackle and lived happily ever after" it would just be boring and pretty much like most other fan fics. Plus, this is supposed to be a sort of "punk' C.R fan fic and if I say stuff like he bought her flowers it seems to soppy but if I say he went out and killed a baby puppy that's just murder, not "punk" or whatever you want to call it xD
I've decided while I'm having this creative mind-block, I'm going to really thoroughly edit the story so far. I've read through a few of my first chapters and I have no idea how you guys could read through my terrible grammar. I also might change a few of the plots/scenes because that could help give me more ideas when I'm done xD
In the meantime, if you have any suggestions then please comment them because honestly your guys ideas are probably way better than mine.
Depending how long this takes to edit, I might actually write a few chapters which won't be very long or interesting, just as a kind of update so you guys don't loose interest xD
Also, I know I haven't updated in ages and I'm sorry if this wasn't the update you were hoping for since I kind of did leave it on a cliffhanger but I'll clean it up soon I promise xD Anyway, I'll try to be as quick as I can with the editing and I don't like the cover anymore so I might change that as well xD
ALSO BEFORE I GO I have very very very exciting news. So walker stalker is in London 2016 (next February) and as long as nothing has been cancelled, I WILL BE MEETING CHAN LIKE PLEASE COME AND CRY WITH ME FOR A MOMENT,
(Sorry about this but I've been meaning to do it for ages and while I still only have 17 posted chapters I wanted to edit now instead of when I have like 50 xD) <3
(Ps. I'll delete this note and update telling you when I'll be posting real chapters when I'm totally finished and written a few in advance xD)

18th Dec 2015- Update: I've just realised I've taken chapter 2 down but for the love of God I can't find it anywhere saved on my files I'll try my hardest to find it. Anyway I feel weird for doing this no one even reads this but to some random person just read the new contents description thingie.

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