Chapter 15

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Hi guys, sorry that this chapter is really poopy xD. If any information about being drunk is wrong here, I don't know what it feels like or what happens or any stuff like that, so sorry if it sounds unreasonable if you do know xD Also, this chapter could possibly be triggering, I don't really know what classes as triggering that much xD But I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's really bad but whatever xP Byeeee :3

Chandler’s POV

I wake up to a loud crash from the hallway. I sweep my hair back and jump off the bunk, nearly forgetting Thea is there. When I look out, I see Otto and Thea’s door wide open, a bunch of stuff being thrown around. I invite myself in and find Otto lying in the bathroom. I poke my head round the door and nearly get hit in the head with a shoe. “What the-“ I can’t hear anything else because her laugh drowns out my words. I frown and hear her hiccup few times, realising she’s shit faced drunk. I sigh and she tries to stand up, grabbing the sink for support. She fails and falls straight back down, laughing her head off. I walk towards her and grab her face, making her look at me. Her eyes are bloodshot and she has stinks of vodka. She is wearing tights, a baggy hoodie and I’m guessing she is wearing a short dress underneath. I pick her up bridal style and carry her back to her bed. I think Thea would be better in my room tonight. I lay her down on her bed and pick up a pair of joggers and a jumper lying on the floor.

Even though I would look like a complete paedophile if someone walked in, I pull her hoodie and dress off, slipping the hoodie on quickly. I pull her tights off and raise my eyebrows. Either I’m way too tired and seeing thinks or she has scratches everywhere. Her hoodie is baggy but from what I can see, her thighs have about a dozen small lines and double that amount of faded scars. I roll up her sleeve and see only 1 or 2, but they aren’t very obvious. I decide now isn’t the time for a deep conversation, especially since I don’t even know her. I awkwardly pull her joggers on and help her shuffle under the covers, turning the light off and picking up a bottle of water from the floor and putting it on her bedside table. I bite at my lip ring and turn the light off, closing the door and walking back to my room.

Otto’s POV

I wake up feeling like someone has smashed my head with a hammer and my eyes feeling like they’re on fire. I try to lift an arm to get the bottle of water but I have no energy whatsoever. I start moaning loudly, hoping to get someone’s attention. I hear a banging on the wall and someone screaming at me to shut up. If I could hit the wall back I would, but I feel like every ounce of life has been drained out of me and thrown down a toilet. About 3 more minutes of shouting later, someone finally slams open the door and shoots daggers at me. “What the fuck can you possibly be complaining about now?” Jake screams, slamming the door behind him as he storms in. “Just shut up and pass me the water.” I snap, moving my head slightly to face the glass. I’m surprised he didn’t throw the water in my face, but he hands me the bottle and viciously pulls me up so I’m sitting up in bed. “What time is it?” I ask him, sipping the water slightly. “About 7:30” He tells me, sitting at the end of my bed. I groan and he laughs mockingly. “Someone get a bit drunk last night?” He teases, shaking his finger at me. “I don’t even remember anything, other than nearly pissing myself on the dancefloor.” I laugh, drinking more water. He shakes his head and stands up, taking my uniform out of my messy wardrobe and throwing it at me. “Well I’m pretty sure Thea is a bit pissed off at you, but I don’t know whether she’s over it.” He tells me, getting ready to go back to his room. I’m guessing I woke him up, since he is still dressed in a grey top and joggers, his hair messy and no shoes on. “Well I remember that, that’s the whole reason I got shit-faced drunk in the first place.” I say, rolling my eyes. He nods, probably not believing me, closing the door behind him and walking out into the crappily lit hallway.

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