Part 11

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"Train you?" Kate asks. Toby stands up curiously and joins her by the door to stare at me confused.

"Yes. Slenderman is turning me into his proxy as well," I answer, trying to ignore all the feelings still boiling inside me from my fight with Ben. I need to do better at hiding them if I don't want to worry Kate and Toby, or at least if I don't want them to ask me about it.

Kate and Toby both stare at me wide eyed, obviously shocked.

"Hon-honestly, I thought Slenderman was gonna kill you when-when he got home. I-I've thought that since the moment we met you," Toby reveals. I don't know how to feel about that.

I huff a laugh. "Were you only being my friend out of pity then?" I ask jokingly.

"Yeah, kin-kinda," he answers, embarrassed and scratching the back of his neck. That felt like a punch to the gut. Was this all fake too?

"But I'm really glad we did, and I'm really glad that you're alive now," Kate chimes in worriedly. "I'm sorry we weren't genuine at first, but we are now and we're really glad to have you make us a trio instead of a duo," she finishes with a sheepish grin.

Although I am shocked that they were faking it at first, I'm just glad that they're genuine now and that they're my friends. I guess I can't look a gift horse in the mouth, so I should just take what I can get.

"It's okay, that actually makes a lot of sense," I laugh, trying to brush the seriousness off of the conversation and myself. "But anyways, I need to train in combat, killing, everything. Slenderman said that once I can prove myself to be useful as a proxy that he'll let me see my family and that he'll let me stop being Ben's proxy."

Kate furrows her brows at me, seemingly trying to read me. I think she can tell something is up, but before she can ask, Toby cheers.

"Yay! This'll be fun!" He pulls an axe out of god knows where and begins running down the hallway to the stairs. "Let's go!" He calls to us. Kate chuckles before stepping into the hallway to call him back.

"We gotta give her a weapon first, doofus! Come back!"


They lead me to a room in the basement and flick on the lights, revealing a medium sized room with different sorts of weapons hung up on all four walls, along with tables with arrays of smaller weapons laid out on them.

What the—

"What are you used to-to using?" Toby asks, and Kate elbows him, making him laugh. "What?"

"She isn't used to using anything dingus, she hasn't killed anything before, right (y/n)?" She says, looking toward me.

I swallow. "No, I haven't killed anything."

"Then you're a blank slate. What kind of weapon would you like to use?" Kate asks me, gesturing to all the weapons in the room. All of the weapons look sharp, dangerous, and scary. I don't want to use any of them. I walk over to the table of small weaponry, telling myself that the smaller the weapon is, the less lethal it'll be.

My gaze traces each of the weapons laid out before me. Daggers, shurikens, throwing knives, scalpels, hammers, nails, and more. I pick up the throwing knives, thinking that they would be the easiest to use since they're a long distance weapon. I wouldn't have to get close to the target to kill them, which I don't think my psyche could handle. I pick up three throwing knives and show them to Kate and Toby, expecting them to comment something along the lines of 'nice choice'.

"Interesting, but you'll need a close combat weapon too," Kate comments casually, as if that was common knowledge. "It's good to have a close range and a long range way of attacking."

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