Part 7

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We ended up going outside (after I put on some athletic shorts and a black t-shirt that Kate lent me) because according to Toby, it's a beautiful day and we shouldn't waste it.

"So admit it." Kate says as we make our way to an open meadow, complete with a beautiful and tiny clear-watered river running through it. "You like him."

I sigh. I still don't know how to answer that. I don't know if I like him or not. I know that I think he's attractive, but he hasn't done anything for me to make me like him. And I've only known him for two days now. Not even that. It has been less than 24 hours. "I think he's cute." I say with a shrug, trying to brush it off as casual.

They're practically pushing feelings onto me. Why would I occupy myself with having a crush when I still have to adjust to this new environment? To all the new people? There were so many people at that party last night, and they all looked horrifying. To think that I might be living with some of them gives me chills. But at least I've already made some friends to stay by my side, however annoying they might get with their shipping me with Ben.

Have I mentioned how ridiculous they are?

"Well, yeah, he is. That's common knowledge." Kate says with a shrug of her own. I notice Toby glance at her sideways when she says this. "But you have feelings for him outside of that, yeah?"

"I've literally known him for less than a day."

"Yeah, well... I'll do everything in my power to get you two together." Kate smirks.

I sigh. "Can we talk about something other than romance? Can we go conquer the world or something?" I suggest.

Toby perks up with sudden interest. "Yea-yeah! Let's do some-something! Let's go swimming and cat-catch some fish!" he cheers with excitement.

I can't help but giggle at his enthusiasm. "I don't have a swimsuit though, and how would we catch the fish?" I ask.

"Swim in your-your clothes, duh." Toby says, like I should have known that from the start. "And we'll make a-a spear to catch them with! Ka-Kate, you have your knife?" He asks. Make a spear? How?

"Yup! As always." Kate says as she pulls a knife out of her boot. What in the world?! She's had that in there the whole time? Why is she carrying a knife?! Is that what they're going to make the spear out of?

She tosses the knife to Toby and he catches it with ease, then runs to the nearest tree and peels off one of the thinner branches. I look to Kate for an explanation, but she's gone at another tree, peeling off the vines that choke the trunk.

What is happening?

They meet back up in front of me, then Kate hands Toby the vines and he tightly wraps them around the knife and the branch, forming something that looks like a spear.


"W-we'll catch the fish with this!" Toby exclaims.

"How many times exactly have you guys done this?" I ask in awe.

"Several." Toby answers, then peels off his shirt and kicks off his shorts, running up to the side of the river when he's in only his boxers. My face flushes red upon the sight of a half naked Toby and I look away, turning to Kate for some sort of assistance, but she just watches him run as she sheds her outer clothes too, with a slight dust of pink on her cheeks.

I turn away from them both, blushing furiously at the sight of them. They're both so attractive! They make me look like an ugly street rat! I think to myself. I hug my arms, covering myself even though I have clothes on. I suddenly feel very self conscious.

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