Part 4

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I do as he says and walk into the room. I'm instantly hit with a homey smell and the scent of pizza and soap. I like it.

The inside of the room is quite big, but nothing too special. It's like one large rectangle with two beds pushed against the far wall on opposite sides of the room. Both beds have green covers and white pillows, but the one on the left is messy and wrinkled like the bed was made in five seconds, while the one on the right is neatly made, the covers tightly tucked in. Between them sits a window and two nightstands.

Up against the left wall between the bed and the wall against the door is a shelf stocked full with video games and different consoles. Several bags of different types of chips, empty and full, lay on the ground all around the left side of the room, and a couple of loose t-shirts and pairs of pants hang off the side of the bed.

"Sorry, I haven't cleaned." Ben mutters nonchalantly, sounding not even the slightest bit apologetic.

I turn and look at him, ignoring his statement. "I'm assuming the bed on the right is mine?" I ask, my voice an octave higher than usual.

He nods at me, then walks over to his bed and grabs a t-shirt and pair of joggers. "I hope you don't mind if I change?" He says, not bothering to look at me.

A blush creeps up onto my face. "N-not at all." Darn my stutter!

He snickers. "Are you wanting to watch?" He purrs.

My face instantly starts burning, making it obvious to me that it is most likely blood red. He turns and sees my blushing face, which causes him to chuckle again, but this time it has a devious tone in it that makes my heart skip a beat out of fear.

In the blink of an eye, he has me pinned to the wall by my wrists, my bag falling to the floor with a thud. My brain completely stops working out of pure shock, making it so I can't even form a complete thought. All I know is my heart is racing.

He leans in close to my ear, allowing me to get a big whiff of his scent. I can't really put a finger on what it is, but I love the aroma. Still, it does nothing to calm my nerves. "You never said no~" he murmurs into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

ASMR much? I think, then correct myself. No! No no no! Now is not the time to be making jokes!

"B-Ben..." I try to say, but it comes out as a mere whisper.

Why am I so weak and pathetic? If he's going to do what I think he is, then I should be kicking him away! Why aren't I? Why can't I?!

Suddenly, he pulls away with an amused grin on his face. Wait, what?! "Wow," he merely says, then turns around and walks back to his bed where his clothes lie. "Your heart was practically thumping out of your chest. I could hear it!" He says, then bursts out into laughter.

Wait... why did he... why didn't he... what was that...?

Again, I can't seem to form a complete thought.

I look up at him and see him shucking off his shirt, so I quickly jump around and face the wall.

What was that all about?!

I hear some shuffling behind me as I fan my face to try to rid the blush from it, still trying to calm down my beating heart.

"Alright, I'm gonna go to the party downstairs. You, stay up here. If you leave this room, you'll get lost, and we don't want that happening," he orders. I hear him walk to the door, so I turn around to look at him and find him fully changed. "Yeah. Do not leave this room, 'kay?" He asks though it's obviously not a question.

BEN Drowned x Reader Where stories live. Discover now