Part 10

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Come in.

Ben swallows and opens the door, letting go of my hand. My hand feels cold without him holding it, but I wipe it off on my shorts like it's nothing as I follow Ben into the office.

Slenderman sits at his desk, reading some document that he has splayed out on his desk. There's a picture on one of the pages and it only takes a few seconds of staring at it for me to recognize that it's a picture of me.

The document is about me.

Hi, Ben, Slenderman says. I look over at Ben and see him swallow.

"Hi—" he starts, but his voice cracks. He clears his throat and tries again. "Hi, Slenderman."

Do you know why I called you both here?

This feels like I'm being called to the principal's office after stealing from the vending machine.

"To remind me how good of a proxy I am?" Ben jokes. He's a proxy himself? After Slenderman stays silent, Ben tries again. " kill us...?" My heart beats faster and even more fear spikes into my heart. Would Slenderman kill us? What did we do wrong? Was I not supposed to come here to the mansion?

Slenderman sighs... telepathically.... somehow.

I've called you hear to discuss the terms of your proxiship and to inform you about why I added (y/n) to your list in the first place.

Ben and I both wait expectantly, too afraid to say anything to interrupt him.

(Y/n) has the makings to be a powerful proxy... to me.

Me? Powerful? And a proxy to Slenderman? That can't be.

"I think you have the wrong person—"

I do not make mistakes, child, he says, cutting me off. I swallow whatever else I had to say and press my lips together. As I was saying, I put her on your list, Ben, because I know you have a weakness for girls like her. What does he mean 'like her'? I knew you would spare her life if she asked and that you would bring her back here if given the opportunity. Who better to make (y/n) feel more comfortable here than you? You two are similar in age... mental age, at least, and you two have similar interests. You are perfect for her.

I glance over and Ben again and see him blush at Slenderman's last comment.

Now, she may be a proxy of yours, (he seems to glare at Ben when he says this, despite having no eyes), but since Ben is a proxy of mine, that puts you, he turns his attention to me, under me as well.

I hadn't even realised that. Does that mean Slenderman is going to be my master too? Is he going to order me around and send me on missions like he does Ben? Will he turn me into a murderer?!

However, I also understand that you have not realised your potential and your power, and that this may be a lot for you to handle, so I'll make you a deal to motivate you.

A deal? Slenderman, the master of this mansion and the seemingly most powerful one here, wants to make a deal with me rather than forcing me into doing as he pleases? I look over at Ben and even he seems to be shocked.

Maybe there's some good in this monster.

"What's the deal?" I ask slowly, warily, and curiously. What kind of deal would a monster make?

If you can prove yourself to be a good, loyal, and powerful proxy to me, I will remove the binding of proxiship between you and Ben. Furthermore, you can bring Snickers here to live in the mansion with us, and I can reunite you with your parents, he says. I open my eyes wide at his offer. I'll be able to live without having to be a servant to Ben, and I'll be able to be with Snickers again! Above all that, my parents will be back in my life! This is a wonderful deal! I just have one question.

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