Part 12

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After lots of knife throwing (only after learning the proper form from Kate first), endurance training, muscle building, and plenty of other strenuous activities, we sprint back to the mansion. I, of course, feel like a limp lasagna noodle so I more-so jog than sprint, but Kate and Toby encourage me to sprint through the pain.

We make it back to the house and I just know my face is flushed and red from all the exercise that I'm not used to. I wipe the sweat off of my forehead as we walk inside, only to find that another group of people are playing Mario Kart in the living room again. We walk past them, but when we stop under the chandelier, Toby turns and stares at the cut on my cheek. The lighting is best here, so I know he's trying to see if it's infected or not. He puts his thumb to my cheek to pull the skin a little and see if there's any dirt inside the cut, and I let him.

As he does this, I glance over at the group of people in the living room and see Ben staring at me with the new girl Serena on his right. She turns and looks at him, then follows his stare to meet my face. Now that I'm closer I can take in all her features. She truly is the flawless definition of beauty. I can't help but feel jealous. She turns and places her hand on his arm, turning his attention back to her. She says something to him with a soft smile and he copies her smile, then makes a joke that makes them both laugh.

Even more jealousy swarms in my chest. It quickly turns into anger though.

I don't even notice that Toby pulled away a long time ago, and that he's looking at me curiously.

"Oh, sorry. Let's go," I say.

We make our way upstairs and meet Kate who is waiting for us at the top of the stairs. They drop me off at Ben's room so I can go inside and find a change of clothes, and while I'm there I write a note to Ben saying that I'll be staying in Kate's room tonight. On our way back to the mansion we had agreed to have a slumber party with all three of us.

Not like he would miss me. Maybe Serena will get him breakfast in the morning since they seem so close.

I take a change of clothes to the bathroom and shower, washing the dirt off of my body and my cut. It feels so nice to get all the sweat and grime off. After my shower, I change clothes and head to Kate's room.

When I arrive, her and Toby are already showered and in matching pajamas, both of their heads sopping wet because they didn't bother to dry their hair. To be fair, I didn't either, but it looks silly on them.

"(Y/n) can take the bed and Toby and I'll take the floor. Is that okay with you Tobs?" Kate asks, turning to face him.

"Heck yeah, floor buddies," he says, giving her a high five. She looks back at me and I give her a smug, knowing look, then offer a wink. She returns the knowing look with a playful glare, then we set up our beds and turn on the TV.

"Okay, so I'm thinkin' that we should, we should get up early and train early in the morning," Toby says. Kate and I groan but agree, as we both hate mornings.

We watch a marathon of Spongebob before the two of them fall asleep, but I lay awake staring at the screen. Now that their laughter and jokes aren't filling my ears, my mind can't help but wander to Ben. Why was he with that girl? Why are they so close? She just got here today, right? So how are they already friends?

I look down at Kate and Toby and find them asleep. They both are laid in awkward positions that fit together so naturally. They'd make a great couple. They fit together so well. Ben and Serena... I know nothing about her, but I know she's beautiful, and beautiful people go together really well. By that logic, her and Ben should fit together like puzzle pieces.

The thought makes me sad, but then it makes me angry. I remember all he did, all he said, and get angry that someone would like him, especially someone as pretty as her. What does she see in him? She definitely was flirting with him. She was all over him! Well not really, but still.

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