Part 2

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I sprint into the woods, hearing the growl of the glitch fade away behind me. Running is not my thing, and I suck at it, but I push my legs to go faster than I knew they could go as my feet get cut up by the rocks and twigs on the ground. It hurts. It hurts, but I fight through it.

I suddenly begin to hear footsteps in the forest following after me. Oh no, he's chasing me. I try to pick up the pace, but I can still hear him gaining on me. This is bad. Really bad. My feet can't take me any faster.

I begin to run out of breath and my legs grow weak beneath me, and soon I'm running on pure adrenaline, but that comes to a hurdling stop (literally) when I trip over a rock, sending me tumbling onto the ground, doing somersaults on the dirt. Finally, when I come to a stop, my head is spinning too much for me to see straight, but I still stand up and try to run again, only for me to fall back down. I still try to stand up again, but a weight holds me down. I open my eyes (which I don't recall closing) and see three glitches pinning me to the ground, all out of breath like I am. When did they get on top of me?

I blink a few times, my vision settling back to normal, allowing me to realize that there's only one glitch on top of me. Still, I panic. It's hopeless. There is no escape from here. My eyes start to water. I won't get to say goodbye to Snickers. "Please, please don't kill me. I'll do anything!" I plead. He growls at me, clearly irritated. Why is he irritated? He told me to run! He also told me to say goodbye, so I just did as he told me to!

After my words click in his head, he stops growling, as a devious grin is formed on his face. "Anything?" He repeats. I nod my head vigorously. He considers it for a few seconds, then his smirk grows even wider. "Alright. You'll become my own personal proxy." He says.

Proxy? What's that? "What in the world is a proxy?" I ask, afraid of the answer.

"It's sort of like a slave, but not as extreme." He says with a shrug.

A servant, huh? I can do that. As long as he doesn't make me his... let's call it a 'love buddy', I'll be fine. Being a slave would be better than dying. Wait, don't I want to die? Do I? Well, I guess I want to live long enough to see how this plays out. I guess I'll say yes then.

"Okay, deal. I'll be your proxy, or whatever it's called." I say.

His grin grows even bigger as a small chuckle escapes his lips. "Alright!" He stands to his feet, then extends his hand to me to help me stand. This guy thinks he can try to kill me one second, then be a gentleman the next? That's bull crap! Still, I accept his offer and he pulls me up to my feet. Goodness, I'm such a pushover. "Let's head off to the mansion then!" He exclaims, but stops in his tracks, turning around. "Wait, I left my sword at the house."

He starts to walk back in the direction of my house, but I don't move. I'm too shocked by everything that happened just now. I just became someone's slave because they tried to kill me. I just became someone's slave because they tried to kill me. This is absurd. My head starts to feel fuzzy and light, but not in a pleasant way, when suddenly a voice calls out to me. "Hey, what's the hold up? C'mon, let's go!" A hand grabs hold of mine, then starts pulling me forward. I don't fight it. What's going on?

"Hey, (y/n), snap out of it." The voice says. I shake my head awake and look up to see the glitch staring down into my eyes. He's taller than me, I now notice. His eyes have stopped bleeding, and his irises have gone back to a normal size. He has messy blond hair that falls over his face quite nicely and a cute round nose. He's actually pretty cute. It's such a shame that he's insane and tried to kill me. Otherwise I'd probably be attracted to him. Heck, who knows. Maybe I will be attracted to the glitch someday.

That reminds me; I don't know his name. "What's your name? I'm (y/n)." I say.

"(Y/n), I already know your name. I've addressed you with it like ten times already." He says, turning away and continuing to drag me along back to my house. "The name's BEN Drowned, but you can call me Ben." He says. BEN Drowned? That's such a strange name.

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