Part 8

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When we get to his room, he closes the door behind us and locks it, making my heart practically leap out of my chest in fear of what he might be planning.

"What were you thinking walking through there without a shirt on?" He exclaims, storming away with his back facing me.

I accidentally drop my shirt, but decide not to pick it up. "I was actually thinking: 'I sure hope Ben doesn't see me like this.'" I say before I take the time to decide that joking probably isn't the best option.

"And you're fine with letting everyone else see you like that?" He asks slowly, threateningly, as he turns his head to look at me.

I feel my hands start to tremble. "Well, I-I wasn't, I didn't... I don't know, they don't know me, so I didn't need to..." My voice trails off. Once again, I can't form a complete sentence. I mentally slap myself in the face.

In one swift motion, he pulls me onto his bed and pins me down. My heart stops.

"I don't want any of the other boys seeing that much of you. You're mine, and only mine. You can't do stuff like that to give them the idea that they can have you," he chides. My face heats up beyond measure. Him pinning me down, yelling at me, being so possessive of me... it's scary, but even more than that, it's pretty hot. I'm upset with myself for thinking that, but it's true.

"I'm-I'm sorry... master... it won't happen again," I murmur, looking away from him.

He sighs and hangs his head. "Don't call me that. Call me Ben..." his voice trails off.

Confused but understanding that he has mixed emotions he doesn't want to express, I change the subject. "So, I take it you're feeling better?" I ask softly.

He glances down at me, then runs his hands through his hair. "Yeah, I am," he answers, grabbing my wrist again.

"You sure seem to like pinning me down," I joke.

"Gotta assert my dominance somehow," he says with a shrug. I can't help but giggle, which in turn makes him chuckle.

(Y/n)," he starts, getting my attention. I catch him quickly looking me down. "You're..." he leans down, closer to me. My heart starts racing in fear of what he might do, but thankfully he stops, catching himself before he can touch anything more than my wrists. He looks at the fear and uncertainty in my eyes, then pulls away, standing up and letting me go.

I sit up as he grabs my bag and tosses it to me. I catch it clumsily.

"Y-you should get changed. You look cold," he says with a nervous laugh. I grin and pull out a hoodie and pair of black denim shorts.

"Are you wanting to watch?" I joke, copying what he said to me last night.

His face turns beet red. "If you're wanting me to, I'm-I'm down," he stutters.

Now it's my turn for my face to get red. "N-nah, it was just a joke," I laugh awkwardly. He joins me in the awkward laughing, scratching the back of his neck and turning away to let me change in private. I slip off my wet clothes and put on the dry ones, immediately thankful for the warmth they provide, although my blush already did wonders to heat me up.

"Okay, I'm decent," I say. He turns around and glances me down, as if double checking that I'm telling the truth. We both sit in an awkward silence for too long, so I decide to speak again.

"I-I'm sorry for walking around like that..." I mutter, avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah..." he starts, "just don't do it again. The only person who's allowed to see that much of you is me: no one else," he says possessively-yet-casually.

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