Part 5

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{I drew Killing Kate (Kate) and Ticci Toby (Toby) above! ^^ Don't ask me why they look scared lol}

Toby, Kate, and I all sit on Kate's bed in her room, piled under blankets and pillows. Well, more like Kate is curled up under hundreds of blankets, and Toby has probably 40 pillows surrounding him. I sit between them, being squished by both. I'm not complaining, though. It's comfortable.

Kate's room is pretty cute. It has a black, grey, and red theme to it, but is much smaller than Ben's room; maybe half its size. Her bed sits pressed up against the left wall with a TV and gaming console on a television stand against the right wall. At the foot of her bed is a closet, and on the other side of the room is a desk that's littered with game cards and smaller video game consoles. On the wall opposite of the door is a window. Aside from those basics, she has it decorated with littered Dr. Pepper cans and a few stuffed animals. Oh, I should also mention that a machete sits in the corner of her room by the window. Weird.

We already shut the lights off, put the movie in, and started it, so now we're just waiting through the previews for the actual film to start.

"So (y/n), tell me about yourself." Kate says, her voice muffled by the pounds and pounds of blankets on top of her.

"Well, what do you want to know?" I ask.

She pokes her head out from underneath the blankets. "I want to know why Ben didn't kill you, and even more why he made you his proxy." She says bluntly.

I tense up, looking for an answer, but realizing that I don't have one. "I'd like to know that as well." I say, making eye contact with her.

She lets out a short laugh, then continues. "So, tell me about your past instead then."

"Hm," I begin. "Well, I was a single child—"

"Was?" Toby asks.

"Yeah, my parents abandoned me," I say, getting both of their attention. They both stare at me expectantly, waiting for me to tell more. "They left on a so-called 'business trip' and never came back. I was just about to give up hope and let myself die when Ben showed up. He—"

"That sounds just like the beginning of a fan-fiction. I SENSE A ROMANCE BLOSSOMING!" Kate shouts, her face lighting up with excitement. Oh dear. I turn to Toby for some sense of help but he looks just as eager.

"I can see it-it now!" Toby begins, waving his hand in the air as if painting a picture. "Ben and (y/n) feeding e-each other at meals, holding hands, *tic* sn-snuggling on the couch in the living room, tick-tickling each other—!"

"sTAHP!" I yell, giggling at their silliness while hiding my face in my hands to cover up my burning cheeks. These two are a handful, but I like it.

"Ooooh! She's blushing!" Kate teases, poking my shoulder. "Do you like him? I think she does!"

"Me too! Me too!" Toby cheers.

"No! No, no, no, no. I don't like him. I just met him! And he tried to kill me..." I mutter, hugging myself.

"Sooooo~? Ev-ever heard of 'love a-at first sight'?" Toby asks.

I scoff. "I've heard of it, alright. I just don't believe in it. But I do believe in lust at first sight, 'cause that's exactly what it is." I reply with a snicker.

"Oh hush." Toby waves his hand at my face dramatically, dismissing what I just said.

"Ooooookaayyyyyy just finish telling us the story!" Kate whines. "And don't leave out any details! I want to know every single thing about your first meeting with Ben."

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