Part 9

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Slenderman's home? What does that mean? I've heard the name before, but I don't have any idea who this is, but from the sound of it, I should be terrified.

Suddenly, a loud static fills my ears, and then a booming, authoritative voice speaks amongst it. Everyone, meet by the front door immediately, it says. Where did that voice come from? It sounded so close, yet I know no one in this room could make their voice sound like that.

"Did you guys hear—?" I start to ask, but Ben interrupts me with a nod.

"That's Slenderman speaking," he explains, though that does nothing to pacify my confusion.

"He communicates through-through t-t-telepathy," Toby says. Telepathy? How is that even possible? I thought telepathy was just a super power used in movies and books! Surely this isn't real!

"If she h-heard it too... does-does that mean Slenderman already knows she-she's here?" Toby questions. I can't help but cower at the thought.

"Should she join us downstairs then? That would save us getting in trouble for hiding her—"

"No, Ben," Kate interrupts. "She'll stay up here... away from Slenderman."

Ben glances at me worriedly and Toby pouts. I don't know what I should do. The anxious feeling in my stomach is enough to make me nauseous. What will Slenderman do when he finds me? Will he kill me? Kick me out? Force me to stay? Hurt me? Torture me? The possibilities are endless, and none of them sound appealing.

Ben looks between Toby and Kate, contemplating over Kate's suggestion. After a few seconds, he sighs and hangs his head in defeat. "Fine. (Y/n), don't join us downstairs but wait at the top of the stairs, just in case. Is that a good enough compromise?"

Kate frowns. "No, it's safest for her to—"

"She listens to me," Ben exclaims, cutting her off. His voice is low and threatening. "and I say she waits at the stairs."

To say I'm scared would be an understatement. I hug myself to keep my hands from shaking and to feign some sort of comfort, though it does nothing to help. Why can't I just hide in the room? Or, better yet, why can't I just go home? Home is familiar. Home has Snickers. Home is comfortable. Home is safe. I miss home.

"Okay, le-let's go, then," Toby says, clearly uncomfortable with Ben's outburst. They all stand up and look down at me, waiting for me to stand as well. I don't want to stand up. I don't want to move. I just want the four of us to stay here and play Minecraft. Is that too much to ask?

Toby pokes my shoulder to get my attention and he offers me a hand when I look up at him. I shakily accept and place my hand in his, letting him pull me up to my feet. I glance at him and notice he doesn't wear his usual happy-go-lucky expression: this one holds more of a solemn fear, and even a hint of anger. It doesn't really help me calm down, not in the slightest.

"I'm scared," I whimper, as if he couldn't already tell.

"I-I know," he says comfortingly. "Kate and I will try to protect you i-if anything bad happens."

They'll try to protect me? I'm pretty sure that was supposed to comfort me, but it just sets me even more on edge. Still, I nod and let him walk past me to catch up with Kate, leaving just Ben and me in the room.

"Ben—" I start but he cuts me off by walking toward me. He looks down into my eyes, and for a moment, he wears the softest expression I've ever seen him put on.

He gently brushes my arm. "You'll be okay," he reassures, then walks out the door and motions for me to follow. I swallow the lump in my throat and do as I'm told.

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