Part 14

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I wake up to a knocking on the door.

I rub the sleep out of my eyes and look over at Ben to see him asleep but slowly waking up. If I get the door I can probably let him sleep more. With that thought in mind, I pull the covers off of me and walk toward the door. It's probably Kate or Toby getting me for morning training, after all.

I swing the door open and find Serena standing in front of me wearing a plain sun dress and an expectant smile that falls a little when she sees me.

That's not who I was expecting.

"Serena?" I ask groggily, still waking up.

"Hey, (y/n)," she says with a polite grin. "Is Ben here?"

Of course she would be looking for him. "Yeah, he's sleeping. Can I help you with something?"

Her smile completely falls away this time. "Oh... no, it's fine—"

"Oh, hey Serena!" Ben calls. I can hear the tiredness in his voice still. "Sorry, I overslept. Give me ten minutes and I'll meet you outside, okay?"


Did they make plans for an early morning date?

"Ah! Good morning Ben! Sorry for waking you up," Serena says, looking behind me and at him (who I hear frantically running around the room, trying to get ready as quickly as possible) with a big smile and an apologetic giggle. "But yeah, I'll meet you outside! See you in a bit!" She turns away without giving me another glance, and she walks down the hall and out of sight.

I forgot about her and Ben. I thought all my issues were solved last night but I forgot about the challenge she brings to the table.

Damn it.

"So... you guys going on a date?" I ask, closing the door and turning around to face Ben. He's frantically going through his drawers looking for an outfit to wear.

"Ah, no, we're just hanging out a bit before we both go on our missions today," he answers, too distracted to even look at me.

She just got here and she's already going on missions?! Man, I have to step up my game.

Oh yeah, I forgot to ask him something last night. I wanted to ask if we could spend more time together and get to know each other better, but I fell asleep before I could. Maybe now would be a good time.

"Hey, we should—"

"Sorry, (y/n), but I gotta go! Tell me what you were gonna say later tonight, okay?" He says as he slips on his shoes.

"Oh... yeah, okay," I say disappointedly.

He darts past me, then stops at the door and turns around to face me again. He playfully punches my arm.

"See ya," he says with a smile, then rushes out the door before I can respond. I stand there for a few seconds, trying to process what just happened but my brain is still being slow from tiredness.

Oh well, if I'm already up I should get ready for the day and prepare to start training. I walk over to my night stand and grab my phone to check the time. 7:03 am. That's later than usual. Did Toby and Kate leave without me? Or maybe they have missions today too and forgot to tell me. Guess I'll go check on them and see.

I find a change of clothes and run to the bathroom to get ready for the day, then make my way over to Kate's room. I knock on the door, and after a few seconds she opens it. She's still in her pajamas and her hair is a mess.

"Oh, hey (y/n)," she says tiredly.

"Hey!" I greet with a smile. "Is Toby with you?" Its odd to not see them together. I hadn't even thought about them having separate rooms since every time I see them they're together. It's weird to be greeted by just her.

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