Part 6

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I awake to a groan.

"Agh... my head." A male voice whispers.

I pull the covers over my head to block out any more noise so I can go back to sleep, but it's useless. Shuffling echoes around the room, followed by a few more "oof"s and groans. Who even is that? Why won't he let me sleep?

Oh yeah. Ben.

I feel a poke at my shoulder. "Hmm..." I lazily mumble from underneath the covers.

"Get me food and medicine." Ben demands.

I sit up and look at him. Who does he think he is? "No." I answer.

He simply glares at me. "Did you just tell me 'no'?" He asks sassily and, I'm pretty sure, rhetorically.

I pull the covers up to my face and fall back down into bed, curling up into a ball for extra warmth.

He yanks the covers off of me and tosses them to the ground, leaving me freezing in my nightgown. I quickly pull it down past my hips to make sure everything is covered, then I let out a loud and obviously vexed growl.

"Give me the dang covers back, you biotch!" I shriek. I am not a morning person, I admit, and I can be a real jerk in the morning. But Ben deserves it right now. How dare he take my covers away?!

He winces and holds his head, then gives me a ticked-off frown. "Shut. Up." He commands. Dang, where is the sweet Ben that I met yesterday? Maybe he's not a morning person either. "Go get me my frickin' medicine, proxy, or I'll kill you."

Oh, right. I'm his slave.

"You wouldn't kill me." I retort.

"Don't think I won't."

Oh, right. He's a murderer.

Dang, I really don't have a choice, do I? "You're a jerk." I say.

"You're making my head hurt. Ugh, I hate hangovers..." he mutters, walking back to his bed.

"Then don't get drunk out of your mind." I retort, swinging my legs off the bed.

Suddenly, two hands wrap firmly around my wrists as Ben towers over me and pins me to the bed.

To say 'my heart starts racing' would be an understatement. Panic practically replaces the blood in my veins. I struggle under his grip,but he doesn't budge. Instead his grip grows painfully tighter as he leans down close to my face.

"I own your life," Ben seethes through gritted teeth. "I am your master, so start treating me like it. Or do you need me to show you why you should show me respect?"

I don't know what that could mean, but I don't want to find out, so I vigorously shake my head 'no'.

He chuckles and leans back. "I can practically smell the fear radiating off of you. Put on some perfume. It reeks." He says, stumbling back over to his bed.

Insecurity rushes over me. "I think that's morning breath that you're smelling, and I can't say yours smells too great either, elfie." I fight back.

He flops down into his bed, then groans. "Just— please. Please get me my medicine, and please don't call me elfie." He mumbles, then turns and looks up at me with that pathetic yet adorable puppy-dog-eyed look that makes me melt. Why does it make me melt? Because I'm a freaking doormat.

"Fine." I say, then stand up and stretch.

"Thanks." He mutters into his pillow.

I walk out the door and somehow find my way down to the dining room, only to find Kate and Toby already sitting there, pounding on the table and chanting.

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