3. The Wedding Drama

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"Anayra, you look beautiful"

"Anayra, you look beautiful"

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(Aranya's wedding outfit)


"What mom, see it's getting late, everybody is waiting for you, come on, let's go"

Here I come Vihan, I know, you might have expected that I will say no or run away but I have no option other than to get married to you.

As I was stepping towards mandap, Vihan's eyes were locked at mine, I could see pure rage and hatred in them, I wish I could undo everything but sadly I can't.

The next 3 hrs felt like years, pandit ji were chanting mantras and we were following all the rituals as he told, even though I was physically over there, my mind was wandering around, about my coming future, will I ever survive with Vihan, that day we barely spoke five minutes and were ready to eat each other up, how are we suppose to stay in the same home, even if he divorces me, where will I go? Mom has already cleared up that I cannot return here, I cannot be an inconvenience to Nitya, do I even belong somewhere?

Everybody has abandoned me, dad left me when I was barely 3 after a few months mom married Mr.Sharma, he despised me and mom felt that I am the reason that she cannot move on, hence, she sent me to boarding school after few years when my schooling got over, I came back here, only to know that I have a step-sister, Neha, she never was interested in me nor my life, as soon as I came here, she went London for studies, saying that she can't be in the same house as me.

They always wanted to get rid of me, but they didn't because Mr.Sharma was waiting for an opportunity like this, I was just an asset to them, nothing more.

"Now I pronounce you as husband and wife"  Pandit Ji said, interrupting my chain of thoughts, next thing I see is a nuptial chain around my neck and a red vermilion on my head.

Everyone around me has smiles on their faces except Vihan, he didn't even look at me for once, he just took my hand and went towards the car, he just opened the door and sat, I got to the other side opened the door and sat on the other side. The awkward silence was replaced when his phone started ringing.

"Yes, dad, no actually Anayra was really tired & also if stayed there for few more minutes, media would have reached and created chaos, hence we quietly left, there is nothing to worry about, okay, bye"

Such a liar, he should get an Oscar for acting and making things up.

"Why did you lie to your dad?"

"None of your concern," he said in a very hush tone

"Mr.Kashyap, it is my concern as you labeled my name onto it" I jumped back.

"You want to know the truth then fine, I didn't want the media to know about this"

"If you are so much ashamed of me, why the hell you agreed to this marriage" is this guy for real, I almost tore up by uttering this sentence.

"Because my dad wanted this marriage to happen, now just shut up, I am in no mood to argue"

The rest of the ride was filled with silence and then the car stopped, the driver took out the luggage, and Mr. I-will-burn-the-world marched towards the lift and I was left dumbfounded sitting in the car.

Great Aranya, just great!

I got up and opened the door, gosh on which floor his apartment is, just then the driver came with all the luggage and I followed him, wohhh he lives on 40th, the top floor, how amazing the view will be.

As soon as we reached the floor, the driver rang the bell, a lady in her mid-40s, I guess the caretaker opened the door with a wide smile.

"Ram, keep the luggage in the upper guest room, Please come in Mrs.Kashyap, I am Sita the caretaker"

well, three things I got to know, 1- driver's name is Ram, 2- I will be living in guest room 3- I and Sita are gonna be good friends.

"Please call me Aranya"

"Such a pretty name, for such a pretty face, God bless you, dear"

Little did you know Sita, that God has already cursed me, anyways good news is that Vihan is nowhere to be seen and that's an amazing start for you Aranya.

"Actually, Aranya, sir has asked me to make your living arrangements in the guest room" she spoke, hesitatingly, of course, she would find this odd and embarrassing.

"Not a problem," I said with a wide smile and she smiled back.

Climbing towards the stairs, everything I laid my eyes on screamed- expensive, I just felt out of the place, this is not a place for me.

"Aranya, sir is a very nice man, I don't know what happened between you two, but trust me, give him a little time, I have been working here for the past 9 years, as far as i know, him, he has anger issues and may seem a lot like a heartless person but he is not what he appears to be, his mom passed at a very young age, he never has opened up to anyone, it will take time for him, to get used to this new relationship"

Hmm, what are you Vihan Kashyap? will I ever be able to figure you out?

Hmm, what are you Vihan Kashyap? will I ever be able to figure you out?

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(Aranya's Bedroom)

All I could say was WOW after seeing this room, this man is stupendously rich, like look at this damn view, I can go to the satan to have a bedroom with such view.

Sita left, after showing me the room, time to remove this lehenga, gosh, why this has to be so heavy and this 1000 pins in my bun, if this lehenga and jewelry would have life, I swear they would have to go to 10 hrs of the gym, big fat rascals.

After removing everything and getting into pj's I just sat near the window, god knows what tomorrow will bring.

I need to talk to Vihan about going to college, but the hardest part is "talk" because we never talk we just argue or end up in fights, talking about Vihan, Sita told me that he went out, will come late, good for me anyway, the farther I stay from him, the better for me.


1.16K words lalala

heck yeh, they are married now, here starts the real fun hehe....

Also, pls vote and comment, will mean a lot to me

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MIne is lavender & blue

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