40. Dumb Move

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"Smart move lawyer, calling the police undercover and all of this planning, you are not as dumb as I thought, I was told to deal with you softly but I don't think you like things soft," he says as he comes closer to me, he waves his hands lightly to which the squad keeps their gun down which were pointed towards me.

"You all can leave," he says as the policemen nod, who is he?

"Who are you?" 

"Doesn't matter sweetheart" he says as all the policemen leave and the people sitting in the cafe form a circle around me. I try to rub but one of the girls holds me tight in their grip making me kneel as I suddenly hear a gun getting unlocked. I try to confirm my doubt by looking up but she again pushes my head down making me kneel, my hair tight in her grip. I see him standing in front of me as he slowly kneels to my level, there's a gun gripped in his hand as he stares right into my eyes.

"Boss just kill her, she doesn't look like someone who would back" One of the men's voices hits my ears but his face is blank, like someone just didn't talk about killing me.

"I could kill you right here but I have been told to go easy, let me give you an offer, take the Patel's case back, remove Vihan's details from there, and file again and you have my word on Patel facing his worst demons, and money, quote your amount and consider it done.

"Vihan sent you?" I ask, my eyes widening, if he knew then how could he do this to me, why?

"No one can send me, sweetheart, I work for myself, either take it or leave it"

"No, I will never take it off, Vihan is equally involved and this needs to go out, you know how many people's lives are ruined because of those drugs, they are later sold in little packets to poor kids who put all their money in it and have no one to guide"

"Haha you have done your research, a great lawyer but that's how the world is, unfair and right now I can be unfair by killing you right here and no one will know you existed" he replies a death calm tone.

"If wanted me dead, I would have been dead by now" I reply, as soon as the words leave my mouth, the girl holding me down pulls my hair.

"Stay in line," she says with gritted teeth, he looks at me and then at one of the men, I see his foot moving towards me while he watches me with a blank face, a handkerchief muffles my face, and before I can understand what is happening, it was all dark.

My eyes seemed too heavy to be opened, my body seemed stiff, a hazy sound surrounded me, my neck ached and I tried to move my feet but they felt restricted, and my palms felt sweaty.

"Boss, it's like she never existed, doesn't even have a surname, no family, on her phone the most dialed number is of Patel and a girl named Oviya, we tracked down that number, turns out these girls are neighbors, Shelke reported that she filed a missing complaint for her," a manly voice says, the sound is very hazy but not hard to understand, god no, let them not get to Oviya.

"Wakey wakey" I hear his voice as I feel fingertips on my chin, making me look up I was not able to but I can feel my face tilting, I again try to open my eyes but fail.

"Bring water" he announces still holding my chin up. I can feel another set of footsteps, I was ready to take the splash on my face but instead, i felt wet fingers on my eyes lightly trying to bring me back to sense, he did the same with my other eye, his touch wasn't bad, it was gentle, like he was making sure that he isn't harsh.

"You put her too much, stupid useless minions you are" he utters.

I slowly open my eyes only to be met by a dark room, there is a big yellow light bulb right on my head, my eyes struggle to open, and I see large hands helping me to blind out light directly from my eyes, it's him.

"Good morning," he says with a smirk plastered on his face, I travel my eyes around in the dark room to find 3 other people around. I can't see their faces.

"Why didn't you kill me" I ask, i have no idea where is this courage coming from.

"Don't you want to live?" he asks giving the bottle of water to the other guy.

"Not like this" I reply.

"Who are you?" he asks.

"I didn't lie about my identity unlike you"

"If you tell the truth and put this sassy mouth to good use, I might make death easy for you or I will cover you with honey and leave bees in this same room and you tied just like this" he replies like it's nothing.

"Are you trying to scare me?"

"Haha, lawyer you should be scared," he says as a laugh erupts from his mouth.

"Anyway, Oviya Lieol, investment banker, works at Sarangail, daughter of Jehnvish Lieol who owns the diamond Industry but daughter wants to make her name without any association, reminds you of something," he says looking at a file.

"She has nothing to do with this, leave her out of it" I scream, god I can't let Ovi get into this, not because of me, I never knew about her father, and we never talked about each other's past which sounds like a ridiculous lie but it is not.

"I will if you tell me the name of people who have something to do with this" he threatens.

"No one has anything to do with this, the day we lost the case, Patel sent his people after me, I ended up in hospital, police came and I told them the truth" I reply.

"You think I am stupid, there's no data of you from the past two years, did you come out of the air, no surname, no family, nothing, don't test my patience" his pitch rises as he slams file on the floor, my eyes shrunk in the moment, my chest rising as I forget to breathe.

"I-" I wasn't able to speak anything, every moment that I wanted to forget was slamming on my face, I wanted to scream but nothing came out, and my eyes started seeing black dots, him coming closer and closer, the last thing I remember before everything went blank.


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