39.Meet me

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"Aranya, are you sure?" Oviya asks me before leaving.

"Yes, I am fine Ovi, you leave, if there's anything I will call, now go without worrying," I say convincing her to leave, I understand her concern but I would rather want her away from me so that Patel doesn't involve her in this, only god knows who else is involved in this. She finally leaves after my 101th time convincing her to and I close the door. I close the main latch as well as the upper one, which when I think about it is stupid, no amount of latches is going to help if Patel sends goons but as far as I think, he is not stupid, he is already under investigation if something happens to me, he will be the first suspect.

After giving assurance myself, I opened my laptop and started applying for jobs, this freelance lawyer thing is not for me, it's better I work with corporations and not put myself in problems, I can not afford problems anymore. I don't even see the pay or positions and keep applying everywhere, I need to have a job no matter what, will keep me occupied from thinking nonsense and make me money to live. It's weird how a few days ago my biggest challenge was my career and now I don't care about what positions I am applying for and so desperate for a 9-5 job. My phone rings with an unknown caller, for a second I wonder if I should pick it up but what if it's a potential client, I take another minute to reevaluate and pick up.

"Hello," the guy says, in a deeply masculine voice, very husky, one that can give people chills.

"Who is this?" I ask, god pls no problems, pls pls ps.

"I got your number from the police station, Patel has frauded my company the same way, sadly it sunk years ago, and I have no proof but I am telling the truth, I tried filing a case in the police station back then but without proof, they declined to investigate, when I saw in the news that he is under investigation, I got in touch with the inspector and he didn't reveal your identity but upon request handed me your number, mam pls help me, I have come on street, I have kids, I wanted them to have a good life, pls help me," he says, an audible sigh at the end.

"How can I help you, what's your name?" I ask, maybe this person can help me put a strong case to put Patel behind bars forever.

"I can't reveal information, for all we know, Patel's men can be tracking our phones, I have already lost everything, I don't want to risk it, we can meet at Crowford Street corner, I won't bring my phone and you also don't bring yours, Patel won't be able to get us"

"Okay, I will see you in an hour" I reply and he cuts the phone, should I trust him? What if this all is a trap? There's only one way to find out...

I reach at the Crowford Street corner, but there's so much crowd here, how am I supposed to recognize him? I look around for a clue but there's none, the street is very busy. I feel a tug on my shoulder and immediately snap my head towards it, a 6-foot tall man with stubble, slicked back head, can't see his eyes as he is wearing goggles, and his body is ripped behind the olive t-shirt, I can tell that.

"The lawyer?" he asks, I nod my head too taken aback by his presence, his presence doesn't seem threatening or desperate, but rather dangerously calm. 

"I didn't expect here to be so crowded, can we talk in that cafe?" he asks pointing towards the cafe across, one of the most expensive properties on the street. I thought to myself this is fishy but I won't know unless I don't go in, plus if he wanted to harm me, he wouldn't ask me to meet at the most crowded place and the most secured and expensive property, I nod head and follow him.

We walk in, only to find it almost empty with only 4-5 tables occupied which is a little weird because people never get tables here without waiting or unless a vvip. We took the table right in the middle of the hall, the waiter immediately came to take the order.

"Coffee for two," he says without asking me.

"You don't seem married or with kids" I immediately say as soon as the waiter leaves.

"Good genes" he replies, opening the folder he had all this while in his hand.

"What's your name?"

"Aditya, Aditya Roy," he says without looking up, shuffling the papers.

"Are you sent by Patel?" I ask without hesitation.

"No," he says. He is still finding some paper among the lot and with every second, I start to feel that there's something wrong here. 

"My turn' he says, giving up the searching.

"What's your name?"

"Aranya" I reply, this is the first time of him directly looking at me, he is still wearing goggles but I can figure out he is studying me.

"Aranya sweetheart, do something for me," he says getting relaxed.

"What do you mean?" I ask, my breathing hightening.

"Cut that phone" he says in a straight tone.

"What phone?" I ask, acting my best to be surprised.

"The one you have kept on connecting to Inspector Shelke all this time," he says, relaxed instead of being afraid, he is not scared of the police.

"If I cut this, police will come here, they have my location" I reply, with a smirk. Got you.

"Let them sweetie," he says getting up.

I clutch my purse tightly, this conversation is being heard in the station. They are just at the corner of this street, they will get this guy before he can get to me, I look straight in his eyes fearing nothing.

"Not scared of me ha?" he says, lightening his cigarette.

"No" I reply, still sitting.

"I like it," he says taking a drag.

The door of the cafe opens up and I snap my head back, hoping to see the police and there they are, a squad of 10 people entering. Marching straight towards us but he is not affected, he continues to smoke. I stand up and get aside out of reflex. They pull out their guns and point at me, WHAT THE HELL. The people sitting at the cafe start laughing loudly. What the hell is happening here? 


When should I upload the next chapter???

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