Chapter 2- Meeting the new kid

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Authors note: Hey, on the side I posted a picture of Jake. Also read, lean back and enjoy!

Chapter 2                                 

I wake up and do my daily routine, brush hair, brush teeth, make bed, get dressed, eat breakfast, then I grab my awesome backpack. I turn to see the clock chime telling me its 7:00 am.

 I mutter under my breath, “Crap!”

 I hear behind me, “What was that young lady?”

 I say, “Nothing mom! Just looked to see Hailey is late….again!”

She sighs and says, “Just take your skateboard thingy.”

I laugh and text Hal, ‘I’m skating to school, don’t bother to pick me up, K?’ I grab my black and blue skateboard and I grab my backpack. I race out of the door and jump, putting the board on the ground.

I yell back, “See ya later mom, after work? Around 7 to 8!”

I skate around the park going round 20-25 mph. I wave to Dan, a pretty cool guy who sells hotdogs, I skate past the beautiful fountain and I jump and grind on the railing. I finally get to school and jump off it flipping the board and grabbing it swiftly. I walk to the front only to see Hal looking at me funny, I shrug and walk it off. She follows me only to cross her hands.

I say, “What? What is wrong Hal? Why in the world are you looking at me funny?”

She shakes her head and says, “I can’t believe you insist on riding that monstrosity.”

I shake my head and walk to my locker and open it while I turn and see a new kid, brown hair, good abs, and nice teeth. He smirked at me and I turned immediately and put my board in my locker. In case you didn’t know, I live in Santa Rosa, California. I turn and see Hal looking at me funnily again; I grab my books and put them in my backpack.

I turn to her and she smiles at me, “I know you like him, Chris!”

I turn back to her and say, “Like whom?”

She smiles and screams whispers, “The new kid! I am going to meet him!”

She turns and sees her meat-head boyfriend, Dylan. She runs up to him and squeals happily, then ugh kisses him.

I turn and head towards my class, I walk in and nod hello to Mrs. Greene the English teacher. She smiles and when I walk up to the desk and sign my name on the sign in sheet. She gives me my seat spot place and guess who is behind me, the new kid! I groan slightly and walk to my new desk, I open it and put my pencils and notebooks in it. I turn and introduce myself, it turns out his name is Jake, he is from New York so not much difference but the temps. Also he is kind of a jerk; I asked him if he ever wanted to hang at the skate park it was fine with me.

He just rolled his eyes and said, “Sure, love to!” I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. I turn and listen to Mrs. Greene talk about what we talking ‘bout today, I look down and feel a piece of paper in my hand. It says, ‘Chris this my # number, call me sometime ya want to get together sometime, ;), from Jake the man of your dreams’ I groan and put it in my desk shaking my head.

After school I skated to the java hut, a cool job.

I walked in and I heard from the back, “That you Chris?” 

I yell back, “Yea Sal, what ya need?” I said putting on my apron thing, also putting my hair into a pony tail.

She yelled back, “Just manage the counter!”

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