Interview With RiaXwriter_

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I had an interview last night with a sage

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I had an interview last night with a sage. It was more like a heartfelt conversation discussing exquisite topics with her. Her answers, I can say, are quite professional and that made the interview even more engaging. Are you guys ready for it? If yes, then let's go.

How would you describe yourself in few words?

My name is Ruqqayah. I'm a girl obviously. I'm 16 years old. I live in Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria.

How do you come up with ideas for your stories?

I look around the world around me, the things happening and merge them with my own imagination to make it better. Actually, coming up with ideas for my book ain't hard for me because there is a whole different world out there that I want to write about and add up my crazy imagination to it. I guess that's all.

Beautiful. I like the fact that your stories aren't only based on fiction and fantasy but also has a bit of reality in them. It's nice.

Thank you!

Do you have a particular genre you write or focus on?

Yeah, that will be spiritual because it focuses on the personal spirituality of my life experience. All my books are spiritually based, maybe I'll go for historical fiction in my upcoming books In Sha Allah( if Allah wills) but I'm not sure.

Lovely. Do you have fans? What do they mean to you?

My readers are my fans. They mean the world to me. They are like my family because, without them, I wouldn't have reached the stage I'm in right now. Their votes and comments always give me the zeal to write. They motivate me and support me. Because of them, I have never thought of giving up writing. They are always by my side, giving me the support I need.

Nothing motivates a writer more than seeing their readers support and appreciate their effort. Writing is not easy and has never been but what fuels one's energy is the encouragement one gets in return.


If I'm not mistaken, most of your stories are connected to love in one way or the other. What is love to you? How do you define it? Is it just about two hearts coming together as one or there's more to it than that?

To me, love means finding someone that brings out the best version of yourself and challenges you to be better. Someone who you are completely comfortable with and who knows you inside out. Someone who is truly your partner and best friend and that you can share all your problems with. There's more to love than just coming together as one. I really like portraying this in my stories. It's not that I'm good at writing it but I just have a thing for it.

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