Handshake or....

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There were a series of trees, I stood in line amongst them so I couldn't be spotted. I see the guy with the hood knock on James's door, few seconds later James opens and greets him with a rather odd handshake, it seemed like he was receiving something, the whole encounter was shady. I couldn't point out exactly what it was. They talk for ages, I blank out for a bit; "what am I getting myself into, do I really want to know who did this, does it even matter anymore?".

I gaze at the grass swaying in the wind beneath me, Maddison's voice plays in my head, almost like she's reminding me that this is not who I am, telling me there's no real benefit in revenge. That it self calms me to my normal state and I decided to go back home forgetting any of this even happened.

I open the door, my dad see's a sense of relief as I walk in; "what did you do?", "nothing at all", I answer with a smile. The look on my dad's face was more puzzled than ever. But only I know the reason for this doing. It's weird the way just thinking about a certain person, in this case the person I love, can change your view of any situation instantly, well for me anyway.

I spent the rest of the day "studying" and by that I mean talking to madi. I didn't tell her about this incident cause it wasn't really that important plus nothing exciting really happened, it's not like I bet up anyone anyway.

So it was just another but this one a bit more productive, until I find out what that guy handed over to James.....

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