5th element in my life

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Its another Monday morning but without madi, this already makes me feel so down an inactive. I walk into the the bathroom like a zombie, to be honest I wasn't in the mood for anything definitly not after telling madi that I wouldn't be able to talk to her due to my stupid finals.

I look in the mirror and see my dull reflection stare back at me. Then I notice that I have somewhat of a beard going on, I resembled a person that just got dumped and gave up on life, so I decided to shave. When I was done it looked like I went from being 24 back to when I was 17 again (get it...the movie "17 again" Ya Ik I'm too funny).

Anyway, I take a closer look to see if there was any bits of hair sticking around and glanced at my hair saying to myself "Ya I need a cut" (a haircut...not me cutting myself or something). I take my top off; scared the mirror was about to break due to the state of my body; "I fuckin need to get back to the gym" I say in disgust with myself taking the rest of my clothes off getting into the shower.

I come out, get dressed and head downstairs for the usual breakfast. I leave to school. When I reached one of my mate greeted me but I just said "Alrii" and went over to my lockers. I didn't really talk to anyone that much, infact I don't think I even talked at all today. The only thought was Maddison floating around in my head, I never missed anyone this much, even when my parents left for a vacation and I decided to stay home, I didn't miss them that much. But madi has something on me, it's like she's on the other end tugging the rope I'm tied in. It's an unavoidable feeling but I love it, instead of wasting time on useless things I do I rather think about madi all day, that itself will get me anywhere in life. It's been said that we need the 4 basic elements to survive: Fire, Water, Earth and Air but in my case there's the 5th element and that's Maddison.

School swiftly comes to an end and I head home only to see 2 iPhones and 4 iPods on the floor. Then I remembered that I was supposed to fix those before tomorrow, this was an effort so I just picked them up placing them aside for the time being and went upstairs to take a nap, playing her angelic voice in my head, I drift into a deep sleep...

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