Chapter six

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Two white wings gleam in the sunlight. They lower and enclose the person landing. It's a Guardian Angel. I was followed. Their journey to the ground is slow and silent but it still produces a ripple of dust that expands across the floor when their feet touch the ground.

His blue eyes meet mine as he gives his hand to help me up but I swipe his approach instantly, pick myself up and head towards the punching bag to continue training, ultimately ignoring him. I couldn't care less that he is a Guardian and just because he is doesn't mean that I should talk to him. The stuff I have read in books and from past experiences has taught me enough to ignore strangers and I am going to do just that.

However, my delivery of the cold shoulder doesn't seem to have fazed him since he follows me to the punching bag and holds it still.

"Er do you mind?" I retake the bag from his hands.

"Hello, my name is Maylock. I have been watching you for a while now" I hit the bag but halt any further movements with what he just said.

     "Why were you watching me?" He is studying the bag, looking at each of the stretches of tape laid across the slices and nips that would ooze stuffing if it wasn't sealed. His eyes are full of intent while his hands are gripping the bag tightly, making the material crease at the sites of his fingertips.

     "Well, I could say that to you" he walks around, now facing me. He's got a rucksack on his back and a long, thin cased object that's weaved through the straps. "I'm guessing these are yours" he takes the elongated object out from the binds of the bag and passes it to me. 

I realise that it's my katana and the bag is also mine from when I left them in the woods, running from the guy who's now in front of me. He followed me here and said he's been watching me. Why has he been watching me?

The Guardian doesn't hand over my bag which irritates me. Instead, he takes out a piece of paper from the top pocket of his black jacket which he unfolds and lifts to my level. I recognise it as the rough drawing I started of one of the Guardians. 

He glances at the drawing and then at me. "It's good, but you really shouldn't be in Lakeintown when there is danger"

     "Technically, I wasn't in Lakeintown though" I try to sound smart but I'm right. I didn't set foot in the city, I was just near it. 

     "Well, technicalities aside, Mavlins are unpredictable." He firms as I take back my drawing from his grasp but he doesn't shift his gaze from me and it's unnerving. 

     "What?" I say to stop him from burning a hole into my body.

     "What's your name?" he asks still with his eyes laid on me. Insecurity floods through my mind and body.

"My name is Layla, Layla uh Taylor" I answer as a result from this feeling and my eyes meet his again. I shouldn't have said my name. I need to get away from him because this is a feeling I don't want to be reminded of.

"Nice name Layla uh Taylor" he holds a boyish smile. "You seem to have quite the setup" he looks around, impressed at the sight and I don't know if he's being sarcastic or not because this isn't five-star training equipment. It's nothing to show off. But seem? Seem to have quite the set up? That has annoyed me. If he only knew what I have gone through to get here but he doesn't need to know, he doesn't need to be here.

I rebuff his advance towards me by walking over to the sword holders. I don't like this. I don't like him. Something's amiss. He's made me feel vulnerable and I haven't felt like this in years as it's usually the people around me that do. My stomach is in knots. I'm lightheaded and there's tightness in my throat but I am alert, I need to be as I don't like feeling this way and it's going to stop right now.

I place the sword back in its holder as the shadow of this stranger is painted on the boardwalk beside me, too close for my liking

     "You don't talk much" Why should I? Just because he had those wings doesn't mean that he is a Guardian angel. Oh no. My over-exaggerated mind is kicked further into action. He might not be a Guardian. "I'm just trying to talk to you"

"Well don't" I meet his gaze which is already on me and study him. His hair is thick and curly at the front and top of his head while it's flat and short round the sides. He has a slight tan to his skin, with piercing blue eyes that compliment and a jawline that is chiselled like a statue. He has the kind of face that would stop you in your tracks if you passed him in the street. I admit that he is handsome, but his looks do not warrant any answers from me.

Taking the sword I just put back, I unsheathe it and walk over to one of my dummies and begin to slash it at different angles while hoping this Guardian leaves me alone.

As a howling wind passes, leaves rustle within the woods nearby which makes me look over to where it is coming from.

     "There are myths about those woods you know; that a monster roams within them." The supposed Guardian announces, appearing at my side, stuck to it like glue.

     "I know about the myths as I do read" I swipe the dummy. "Besides, I have been in those woods loads of times" I try to impress him and go for another swipe but I lose my grip and the sword slips out of my hand. It clatters on the decking.

I glance at him and he is smiling, smirking even. His blue eyes twinkle while his lips are pursed in amusement.

     "Do you know if there is any truth behind them?" I ask embarrassed about the clumsy act but mainly curious about gaining more information on the phantom monster that may or may not lurk within these woods. I suppose I can use him to my advantage. I could find out if it really exists and then think of something to get rid of him.

     "Well, the people of Lakeintown always think of new stories" he dismisses me. "One rumour is spread one week and then it changes to a different one the next. Nothing is set apart from the monster one that has stuck for a very long time"

     "And do you believe it?" I ask as he bends down to pick up my sword.

     "Well, we are surrounded by the Folklore woods" He hands me back my sword after he seems to test it out for himself.

     "The Folklore woods?" My voice rises many levels from the surprise that the woods surrounding me for all this time actually have a name. How did the books or newspapers of the city not tell me? But how do I know he is telling the truth?

My thoughts continue to spiral out of control and sanity. This might be a tactic to make me trust him, to manipulate me as he already said that he has been watching me. A shiver runs down my spine from the possibility that this man has an ulterior motive for being here.

     "Yes. Folklore is derived from mystery and legend. It's quite an apt name"

     "But how do I know that you're even telling the truth? You could just be some delusional person coming here to make me feel like I should trust you. Well, I don't." he laughs which makes alarm bells resonate within my head.

"I'm not delusional." He lowers the volume of his chuckle.

     "Well, what did you say your name was? Matla? Molar?" I ask because his name wasn't like any other that I know and have heard of before.

"Maylock" he answers confident. "I am not a tooth" he smirks but I don't let his expression get to me.

     "That can't be your name though" I frown as his name is quite bizarre. It's not even a real name so that makes him even more suspicious because it must be his pseudonym.

I need to stop these escalating thoughts. I've got to think straight and plan something to getrid of him.

As I continue to slash at the dummy, my grip is tighter than it was last time but I'm mainly hoping that he will take this as a means of going away. I totally blank him with what he says next but that doesn't deter him. It rather motivates him as he stands right in front of the dummy.

     "Move" I bring my sword up, pointing the tip towards his chest but he doesn't shift from the sight.

"Where are your parents?" His question instantly takes me off guard.

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