Chapter twenty-three

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While Zack is busy typing and sorting out Maylock's ask, I remove my bag from my shoulders and plant it underneath the console. Hopefully it should be safe. I triple knot the ties just in case. 

     "Hey Layla, your bag will be fine there" Maylock notices the ties and other measures I have taken to secure this bag. I've looped one strap through another and covered most of it with some sheeting that was folded next to it. This bag is all I have so I'm going to damn well make sure the contents of it are safe. 

After accepting my bag is secure, I take off my cardigan and put on the jacket. Maylock's eyes dip to my left shoulder. Why is he looking there? Feeling a bit exposed from his gaze, I fiddle with the collar and sleeves, hoping this movement will take his eyes off my shoulder. Why was he looking there in the first place? 

     "It's up Maylock" Zack's call fortunately takes Maylock's focus from me and to the console. There's a map on the screen with two red dots marked on random areas not that far from each other.

Zack activates a switch on the side which causes the map to enlarge into a 3D blue hologram that projects into the middle of the room. Skyscrapers, restaurants, benches and light posts all jut out in their solid shape and varying heights. This is Lakeintown, just without any civilians.

We circle around it. Now the map has expanded, I realise the two red dots are set on the side of a skyscraper and the bakery.

     "Which one Zack?" Maylock asks and Zack points to the red dot on the skyscraper. 

Maylock taps that dot and spreads his hands outwards which enlarges the zone making it focus on the small details like the cracks in the pavement and the smashed windows. 

     "Dammit, this attack has grown. Look at the damage" Maylock frowns and studies the hologram. 

He squeezes his hand and moves it to the side which spins the entire hologram as if it's on an axis. The skyscrapers have spun around giving us a new perspective.

     "Play the feed" Maylock instructs and Zack presses a button on the console which makes Mavlins materialise in shot as well as some civilians who are fleeing the area in fear. 

The Mavlins run rampant and destroy everything in sight. Benches are being broken and more windows of the skyscraper are being smashed right in front of my eyes. 

     "The bastards" Maylock disapproves at the sight of the cities destruction. "Right Guardians, you know our job is to protect the city" he starts to patrol back and forth around the room, his leadership shines through as all eyes are fixed on him and his every word. "We need to evacuate people from the nearest buildings. Layla and Zack you take this marker. Myself and Abbey will investigate the other marker at the bakery" Abbey's eyes light up from Maylock's direction that they will be working together. 

     "Let's go then" Abbey storms off to the alcove with the five white beams of light. Eagerness laces every step as she waits for Maylock to follow her. 

     "Our objective is to get rid of these Mavlins and ensure the safety of the city." Maylock states, still at the hologram. He hasn't moved and neither has Zack. "Am I clear?" Maylock calls and Abbey mutters an agreement. Zack mockingly salutes which encourages a burning glare from Maylock. "Zack, am I clear?"

     "Crystal" Zack answers having simmered from Maylock's heated gaze. He meets Abbey at the white beams. 

     "Layla, we use these light beams or chutes as we call them to get to Lakeintown. The big button that flashes white when you find your characteristics is the one you need to press when you stand inside the chute" Maylock informs me.

     "How do these chutes actually get you to Lakeintown?"

     "They fast track us up" Zack answers, poking his head outside the beam of light.

     "Up?" I repeat a little frantic.

Abbey and Zack press the button on their angel and shoot up their beam. It glows a bright white for a few seconds until it lessens and they are gone with only a gust of wind to remember them by. This better be a lift because I hate heights.

     "Layla, your turn, let's go" he beckons but I don't move.


     "Why?" he repeats my question a little taken aback.

     "Why do I have to stay here?" silence falls between us. I look at him as he does me, while he runs his hand through his hair.

     "Layla" he begins to answer when another alarm sounds, this time with a flashing red light that comes from the domes on the wall. "We need to go now" he says instead and pulls me into the chute.

I look up into the light beam and it's a sight of nothingness. Oddly calm and peaceful. Then I look ahead of me, to the door down those stairs that could so quickly become my exit.

     "This is just ridiculous" I look at him through the multiple white beams which make him look pale and bright. "I want to know why I am in danger and you're holding back. Why am I here?"

     "You're a Guardian angel and we both need to be in the city with the others protecting it end of story"

     "But we haven't even touched the first flipping chapter" I snap and hear him laugh.

     "Very good. We can start on page one and I will read the rest to you after this fight" he attempts to continue my book pun and I frown awkwardly from it. 

     "Promise you'll tell me?"

     "I don't do promises"

     "Why? Because you can't keep them? Should have known as you're bad with bargains"

     "Layla!" he raises his voice a few bars.

     "Sorry" I utter almost instantly.

     "I shouldn't have shouted. That was my fault. I'm just trying to stop us from having this conversation. As much as I find it interesting with you wanting to know things and the banter that comes with it because your very quick witted, but we are doing so whilst in the chutes that are supposed to get us to Lakeintown. I will tell you more when we get back okay, I will complete the bargain we made. We just need to go. Press the middle button on your angel"

When I do, the whole beams turns bright white and I find myself zooming upwards.

Where am I going?

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