Chapter forty-five

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I'm sprawled across the floor when I open my eyes. I must have dozed off. 

A soft duvet covers my legs with smothering warmth and two pillows rest against the side of the bed. I didn't have anything around me before I napped so who put them there? 

My confusion turns into a shot of shock as my valuable photo and my dads letter aren't near me but this soon and quite thankfully mellows when I see them against the clock on the bedside table which shows that its three in the afternoon


Three in the afternoon? What?

I dart up toward the clock to check if it is right and it really is three o'clock. I've actually slept through an entire day! I like my sleep, but I never wake up this late. I am always up at the crack of dawn training or the growls are so loud that I cannot get back to sleep. This is very different from what I normally do. 

My world begins to spin from getting up quickly. Woah, head rush. I touch the end of the bed to stabilise myself and when the room stops spinning and gets back to reality, I go into the bathroom.


I have to do a double take at my own reflection. I look so different. I'm not as pale as I used to be. My face has a golden glow and rosy cheeks. My knuckles don't have the small slits on them anymore from the onslaught I did upon that punching bag as the medilac must have worked overnight well in this case, over-morning, hell even over-day so I wonder whether the medilac I took when I got bitten by the monster has worked. So much happened in that one day. Maybe that's why I slept for so long? It allowed my body time to recover. 

I take my top off and unwrap the bandages around my stomach, leaving a loose trail of them which reaches the floor. I look at my stomach in the mirror and stare in bewilderment because nothing is on my skin. There is nothing there? There is no mark or scar which I thought would show with such a deep injury but there is nothing, absolutely nothing. Is medilac that good to actually prevent scars? I don't really know anything about it other than it tastes like the back of an old shoe but the wound I had of that magnitude would surely leave a mark?

I pull the last of the bandages off to see if the scratch on my shoulder has gone the same way as my oddly disappearing bite but there is something. Three white and slightly raised strikes start at my left clavicle and look like they continue past my shoulder so I turn around and the mark ends at my left shoulder blade. This is a scar. I got a permanent reminder of the scratch from the monster but not the bite? That was a more extreme wound compared to the three-line inflictions upon my shoulder. It doesn't make any sense.

I dump the bandages in the cylindrical bin against the sink counter and I note that there isn't a spot of blood visible on the cloth. How is there no blood? What the hell is going on?

Going back into the bedroom, I pick up the duvet and pillows from the floor and chuck them onto the bed before I turn the doorknob of the bedroom door but it won't open. I swear to god. What is wrong with me and doors? I twist and pull it multiple times but the door just won't move. I even push the door but it will not budge so it must be locked. Why is this door locked though? 

I recall the metal gates that slammed down every available door by Baymin but surely it wouldn't affect this door since there isn't an exit to the outside world, well apart from the windows but nobody could fit through them.

I pull again as a last resort and the doorknob suddenly comes out of its socket. I have pulled the doorknob out! I didn't even put any strength into it. The metal looks dented and I drop it at the sight of the damage.

I kick the door, hitting the hole where the doorknob should be as I've read that this is a weak spot. The door moves when I make contact and I kick it again, then once more as the wood starts to chip and weaken. I step back to build up power for a run up kick and as soon as my foot touches the door, I don't feel resistance anymore, in fact I haven't stopped moving and its only when I hit the wall from the other side that I realise that the door has been completely destroyed. Different sized remnants of wood scatter and spread out along the corridor. 


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