Chapter thirty

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Where the hell am I?

I turn slowly, adjusting to what just happened. What on Earth did happen? I'm in the room with beds lined along the panelled walls and the red peeling pillars in the corners. I'm in the old part of Miscellania?

My gaze wanders to the bottom of the bed. There's a weird looking purple tentacle in a metal bowl. Ew. As I look away from it, I meet the eye of a small man who is standing at the end of the bed. He startles me. 

How long has he been there? 

I have never seen him before. His face is wrinkled with maturity in life but his ironed clothes and neatly trimmed white goatee beard prove that he takes care of himself. His hair orbits the sides of his head with a bald patch in the middle but I don't think the colour and lacking amount defines this man as old as I can see it in his stance. He is confident and rigid but his eyes tell the real story. His hazel iris' are glued to the ground in thought. They're a little bloodshot with slight bags under them but solid and full of wisdom. He's seen a lot over the years. I think I know who he is.

     "You're awake" My neck prickles at the sound of his voice and cold fear runs through my veins making me shiver.

I see him, Maylock - the Monster of Folklore. My heart pounds quicker and anticipation mixes with the ice around my body as I grow alert to any movements he makes. He walks over to the man.

      "It's becoming a habit of you waking up in these beds" he smirks.

     "Well you were the one who put me here" I snap.

     "No, you were attacked by Trixala" the man walks around the side of my bed to face me as Maylock follows behind.

     "Trixala?" I frown but my expression is quickly wiped off at the instant Maylock advances toward me.

I back off and edge over to the other side of the bed. He looks at me confused but I don't care.

     "Trixala is a Fighter" he pauses. "Adicus creates them from genetic mutations of animals. Fighters are just a cover up name for what they truly are; Mutalings" 

     "Do you even know what you sound like?" I dismiss him. I can't believe anything he says. "Mutalings? How is it even possible to mutate the genes of animals?" 

     "Just because something is deemed improbable doesn't mean it can't be done" Maylock claims. "Adicus is incredibly dangerous and shouldn't be taken lightly. We only call Mutalings Fighters because that's, well, that's what they do." Maylock adds. 

     "I wasn't fighting" 

     "But your mind was" The other man announces."Trixala attacks the part of the brain that focuses on perception" As he explains, I stand from the bed to increase my distance away from Maylock but when I do, my world spins and I lose my balance. 

I hear the quick thud of footsteps to then feel hands around my back and I look up to see him, having caught me before I fall.

     "You okay?" Maylock asks as he keeps hold of me but I push him away. "Whatever you saw Layla, it wasn't true" 

     "Of course you'd say that" my words slur and I sway again so I make my own gradual way to sit back on the bed, at the side furthest from Maylock. 

I swing my legs around so they dangle over the side of the bed but I'm mainly doing this so that my back is facing Maylock. I don't want to see him. His life is all lies and deception. I focus my gaze to the end of the bed but then divert my attention to the other man who walks to a cabinet, opens it and takes something out.    

     "You're Baymin aren't you?" my voice is more concrete now and he nods in response. "I keep hearing your name so it's nice to put a face to it finally"

     "I'll give you this." He closes the cabinet and when he comes over to my bed, he hands a silver packet to me. 

I look at it in disgust as I know what it is. Medilac.

     "I'm fine" I dismiss his offering.

     "This isn't medilac, this is a panzin"

     "You have an odd way of naming things" Maylock smiles at my comment but I don't give him the satisfaction of acknowledging it. He's got such a wicked hidden side to him so that smile was not genuine.

     "It's just an energy syrup but it holds the nutrients you need. Maylock's told me that you slept for two days and you were out from Trixala for three hours so you have been through a lot without any food. This will help you recover"

     "It's not poison" Maylock smirks but I ignore his expression again as he's trying to fit in, bringing up what I have said in the past to make Baymin blind to his true nature. I can see right through him.

I take the wrapper. It is longer than medilac but similar to the touch as it's squidgy.

I rip it open, smelling it before I ingest it. It is sweetly scented. Both Maylock and Baymin are looking at me, eyes glazed and bodies still in patience for me to consume this sludge. I squeeze the bottom of the packet and move upwards with my fingers which pushes the mixture into my mouth. 

I'm instantly hit with a sweet orange flavoured thick liquid. Sparks of energy tingle through to my fingertips and wake me up. A cool buzz flows throughout my body, alerting my mind and warming my cheeks. 

     "Feeling better? The colours gone back into your face" Maylock remarks.

     "Now you have had a bit of a boost, this may help you to remember what you saw when Trixala attacked you"

     "You want me to say what I saw?" I look at Baymin puzzled and with a bit of fright to recall what happened and who did it... 

     "Yes we do. Take your time as your brain will still be adjusting to reality" Baymin reassures and I consider how best to go about explaining any of this.

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