Chapter thirty-eight

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My towel has patches of blood on it. I'll need to get rid of it as well as my old clothes. I rummage through the bedside cabinets, trying to find a bag or something else to contain them in but they are all empty. Damn! 

Not giving up the hunt, I spot a bin at the end of the bed. Surely there's a bag in there? Crossing my fingers, I press down on the pedal to open it and my hopeful wish has come true. Yes! There isn't much rubbish isn't it either so I unwrap it from the confines of the bin and place my wrecked items within. Now I just need to get rid of it. I can't walk out with the bag but I also can't stay in this room hiding it forever. Looking at the windows above the bed sparks an idea I'm not fond of. Throwing the bag outside would rid my burden but I don't want to litter. I don't really have any other option.

I jump on the bed and reach for the handle. I have to push with some force but eventually, the window opens up wide enough so I can fit the whole bag and drop it. This is a temporary fix. I'll go out and pick it up later. 

     "Whatcha doing?" a voice startles me and I turn around to find Zack in the doorway. I hope he didn't see what I did. 

     "Just looking out" I close the window but he looks bewildered.

     "You must be pretty strong to have opened those windows as Maylock can't even budge them."

     "Oh" I exclaim and can't deny that I feel a little accomplished but it's mixed with confusion. 

I smashed that tile, knocked a whole cabinet door off its hinge and broke bandages with my own hands. I am not that strong. Something's up.

     "Do you like spiders?" he asks. 

     "Why?" I'm slightly apprehensive from his question. 

     "There is one near your feet!" he points and I jump off the bed in an instant. 

My feet thud to the floor from my quick flea and Zack roars with laughter. 

     "Got you!" he fist pumps downwards. "Still trying to get Maylock. He is so scared of them" his look is mischievous. "Maylock's told me how you want to go. I mean, you've already aired your views" he smirks "I was like you during the early days. I wanted to leave so I did. I went back home and it was lucky I did as it was ransacked by Mavlins" 

     "Were your parents alright?"

     "I lived with my mum. She was fine, Maylock and Abbey came and helped her"

     "That's good"

     "Yeah, it was but on that day I made the choice not to see her again"

     "What?" I frown. "You're not bothered about seeing your mum anymore?"

     "The day when everyone found out who I was, she had to move and change her identity as a precaution for Adicus and other fighters targeting her for bait to get at me. She understood why and it's not like I don't miss her, I do and I try to see her on the sly without Maylock and Baymin knowing but becoming a guardian comes with responsibility. The act of protecting the people of this city is paramount and with me knowing that the civilians are safe from harm, I know that my mum can live her life without fear."

His motive makes me smile.

     "I've been a guardian for five years now. You want to hear how I got in?" his eyes light up, enthusiasm is laced in his voice. This is going to be a good story. "I hacked into the console here when I was twelve" 

     "Twelve? Wow" 

     "Maylock tried to track me down but I was just too good" he stretches out his palms arrogantly. "I did this for a good three years until Maylock knocked on my door and posed as a teacher from my school with ID and everything." His eyes widen in surprise as do mine at the extent Maylock went too "He told me to shut down my computer and that he could offer me something to use my skills with. I agreed and completed the trials given when I turned sixteen, so here I am." He places his hands on his hips, pride emits from his stance. "The stuff I found when I hacked though" he exhales heavily in astonishment and I am instantly hooked in wanting to know what he found. 

     "Like what?"

     "Details on Adicus and blueprints for weapons and armour"

     "What was said about Adicus?"                   

     "It had the entire library database on him as well as some notes made by Baymin. I don't know how Adicus could go to the extreme lengths of genetically mutating animals to cause harm and to mastermind every single attack towards the city. Its baffling. He is unstable and incredibly dangerous" 

     "Well I hope I don't meet him."

     "Adicus is more of a horrid tactician than a physically looming threat to us. He has never set foot in Lakeintown but we have to keep alert and be ready for anything. I'll see you upstairs Layla. Maylock is holding a meeting" he nods and leaves the room.

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