Chapter thirty-nine

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The slam of the bedroom door pierces down my ears and I wince. My head spins and I have to sit on the bed to steady this sudden dizziness. When the room stops hurling, I slowly stand, touching the bedside table for further support until both of my feet are flat and secure on the ground. That was weird. 

Keeping my slow pace as I don't want to trigger any more sudden onset dizziness, I reach the door and open it. Taking it one step at a time, I stop at the last one as I can hear low drones of Maylock, Baymin, Abbey and Zack all talking. I sit down low with my back against the wall to listen.

     "Right, listen up" Maylock pauses. "there's no easier way to say this but..."  

     "...The monster of Folklore is a werewolf" Baymin interjects firmly. "Layla found this out and we should be careful" 

     "That wasn't what I was going to say Baymin" Maylock sounds annoyed. 

     "But it's what should be focused on" Baymin snaps back.    

     "Maylock? Was there anything else that needed to be discussed?" Zack then asks. 

     "No, it's fine" Maylock mutters. "Our priority is keeping Layla safe so we will do that" as Zack acknowledges, I slowly make my way down the steps and then turn around to go up them again just to try and act as if I never heard their conversation. 

When I reach the top, everyone turns to look at me but Abbey's gaze is a searing glare.

     "What are you looking at?" I ask to try and mellow her gaze.

"Nothing, just a shit Guardian" her eyes narrow. "Who has no shoes" she nods down at my feet.

     "Hey Abbey stop it" Zack tries to back me up but it doesn't work.

     "I'll get you some shoes and socks. What size are you?" Maylock asks in a calming voice compared to Abbey's direct sarcastic tone. 

     "Five" I reply "I put my shoes in your bath" I say out loud as he goes down the stairs but then frown at how stupid that sounded and really regret it now as Abbey mockingly laughs at me. 

     "There was nothing in that bag of yours" she states with acid. 

     "You went through my stuff?" Anger riles within me at the audacity for Abbey to do such a thing. 

That's why the knots were undone. 

     "I don't know why you carry it around. It's just some pencils and a baby photo" she jabs and I'm about to approach her to bring her down a peg or two when Maylock returns with a pair of black trainers and white socks. 

His presence stops me from going towards Abbey so I just glare at her. 

     "Everything okay?" Maylock alternates his gaze between me and Abbey probably noticing the tension and the seething stare I am giving her. 

I wish she would just melt into a puddle. 

     "Everything is fine Maylock" Abbey responds and smiles sweetly at me so I roll my eyes. 

Maylock hands me the shoes and socks and I lean back on the wall near the large console to put the socks on.

     "Layla, what do you like to eat?" he then asks as I pull the laces to widen each shoe and slip my foot inside. 

     "Uh. That's a bit of a random question" Tying the laces, I stand and come away from the wall. These shoes are a perfect fit. "I like anything really, pizza, burgers that sort of thing. I'm easy" 

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