Chapter twenty-four

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The raging wind is what I feel first. It hits my body with force as I shiver from the chilled onslaught of air. Every limb of mine is light. I feel weightless.

     "You'll need to open your eyes if you want to see where you're going" I hear Maylock's voice and I open my eyes to scattered lights in the distance and a white, lumpy blanket below me that seems to break up inconsistently in wisps. Are they clouds? Though I don't get much time to dwell on the question as I witness the answer for myself. The pale haze evaporates making everything clear and from this change, I instinctively look down but I shouldn't have. I really shouldn't have.

I see the ground, thick with acres of trees from the Folklore woods. This sight makes me realise that I am up high, really high.

     "How am I not falling!" I gasp. 

I'm in the sky. I'm in the sky! I am flat, facing forward and seeing everything below me go by at such a speed. 

      "You have wings on your back" Maylock answers so simply and matter-of-factly.

     "Wings?" I frown, looking behind me and in the corner of my eye there are two white wings with narrow feathers organised in lines that are shaking and reacting to the blowing gusts. Wings! I am flying! "Where the hell did they come from?

     "Amazing isn't it?" Zack swoops down, his wings curl in to guide him closer to us. He looks so carefree in the air when I am the complete opposite. "What took you so long?"

     "Just negotiating" Maylock glances at me as I shiver from being up here, facing my fear in the cold temperature of the atmosphere that only planes and birds should fly in. No wonder Zack told me to wrap up, you could probably get frostbite.

     "Your wings aren't actually coming out of your back..." Zack begins to explain but all my attention is focused on the wind. I'm trying my hardest to keep my balance and not spin out at the height I am currently at. 

Maylock could have warned me about this. I have zero idea what I am doing and didn't expect to be facing my fear straight on. 

     "...So, your wings are linked with your angel." Even though I haven't listened to a word Zack has said, he still continues to talk. 

Wobbling again, I have to place both of my arms out to steady myself.

     "You look like a funny scarecrow" Zack observes, grinning wide. "You don't like heights do you?" 

     "I don't make a habit of coming up to these heights no" I just about manage to voice a response as all my power and will is being concentrated on every inch of my body in order to keep straight and stable.

     "You will get used to it over time. All you need to do is turn your body to the way you want to go and your wings will do the flying for you".

     "We are nearly there" Maylock states over the wind and lowers himself to be in line with me and Zack. 

Abbey, like an ant to sugar, follows Maylock down to the same height and tries to fly next to him but he doesn't let her. He moves closer to me so it stops her from getting between us so she veers off to the far side and flies to the left of Zack.

The many skyscrapers of Lakeintown come into view. Although my nerves and heart rate are racing, this is truly a sight to behold. The skyscrapers all vary in height with the tallest being the Spire which holds a hotel, three restaurants, an art museum and a viewing platform right at the top. The twisted exterior of the Spire stands out amongst the other cubed buildings of concrete and glass. 

 I breathe in deeply, taking this all in. Even though I am anxious from flying and being put out of my comfort zone so suddenly, it's peaceful and quiet. Being up here does not replicate the everyday chaos that the city brings. Everything from up here looks so tiny and insignificant yet it's so different with both feet on the ground. Lakeintown is a city full of such history, curiosity and wonder. I loved going through the local market every week, seeing people bustling about, hearing about their lives, their stories and how happy they were. Children laughing, friends chatting and families belonging. It made me smile as it would if it was a part of me but it wasn't and I always left feeling emptier inside.

     "Right change of plan" Maylock announces. "Zack and Abbey, you take the first marker to the skyscraper. Layla, you're with me to the bakery" 

     "But Maylock, I thought we agreed" Abbey glances over, a disheartened frown burrows into her face.

     "Not with how Layla is with heights. I should have asked" he looks at me, his eyes show a disappointment for himself.  

     "But Zack can deal with her. It's only flying. What is there to be afraid of?" She spites. 

     "I am not leaving Layla alone Abbey. So, you're with Zack. Don't make me repeat it again. Go" 

     "Come on Abbey" Zack tries to motivate. His body is tilted to the side with a hand tucked behind his head. He's so chilled in the sky yet I'm not liking this one bit. "This should be fun"

     "Fun shouldn't be in your ideas Zack. You need to focus up" Maylock snaps and Zack faces forward instantly. "Keep us informed" 

     "Will do!" Zack then turns and heads to the left at a speed that makes me feel sick whereas Abbey takes a slow descent. 

Zack still has fun in mind as he's doing tricks in the air as he flies; twisting and flipping, making my stomach do the exact same.

     "Zack never listens" Maylock tuts and shakes his head after I see a final spin from Zack and both him and Abbey are out of sight. "Once we have landed, we will head over to the bakery" 

     "I don't know how to land with these wings"            

     "I'll guide you. We are going too fast at the moment so you need to stall yourself. Lean back so you can slow down" I'm a bit hesitant at first but I slowly rise. "Keep going until your upright" 

I keep lifting myself when a wild gust of wind blasts me. It's so sudden and unpredictable that I don't prepare for it as it flips me on my side. My wings don't recover from this angle and I drop. 

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