6 - "sickness"

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harpers pov

carmen was laying in bed at 1pm. i had to do something, all she has eaten was a piece of toast with avocado. "im sorry theo kicked you" i say to her. she nods slightly and i brush her hair off her face. i go out to get aspirin but i hear a knock at the door. i turn around to check the peephole, it was theo. i wasn't sure to let him in since carmen was extremely hurt. i open it.

"hey, im so sorry. can i come in? where is she?" all his questions came rushing towards me, nearly making me stumble. he kisses me and he walks into carmen's room. they start talking but i walk away to get aspirin. i grab it from the medicine cupboard. i grab a bottle of water and pour it into a glass cup. i also grab a straw so it's easier for her.
i walk back to carmen's room and theo hugged her softly right when i walked in. "here's some aspirin." i say to her and smile. i also give her the cup of water. theo grabs it and i place the straw in the water cup.

we both walk out of her room, leaving her alone either for sleep or relaxing. theo and i starting making out in my bedroom. i slide the door shut. "be quiet!" carmen yells out and laughs, but coughs after. i giggle and start kissing down theo's chest. he was perfect. we were trying for a baby. i didn't know when to tell carmen but not now. she was sick because of theo.

after a while, we decided to have a nap,  just for 2 hours. i was naked and so was he, but we didn't think carmen would come in...

suddenly the door slides. i thought it was the wind so i closed my eyes, laying my head on theo's soft chest. the back side of me, where the blanket is felt cold but suddenly.. "SHIT IM SORRY." carmen yells. "CARMEN GET OUT!!" i yell at her. theo wakes up "oh fuck." he laughs handsomely and deeply. i grab the blanket and shuffle down to grab my clothes, carmen swears to herself and walks out of the room. "i'm so sorry guys." she says with her back turned and shuts the door. theo and i laugh about it and kiss.

theo and i get dressed and we go to sit on the lounge. before i sit down i grab my perfume and spray it around myself. "i bet she's not sick anymore" i laugh. "or more sick" he laughs as well. "hey! what are you saying!?" i cross my arms looking at him sarcastically and burst out laughing. i grab the tv remote and turn it on.
after hours of tv i hear bad coughing. it was carmen. suddenly, the coughing stopped. theo moves, making my head fall of his chest. "harper. why did she just stop coughing?" he says sounding really worried. "uh-oh.." we both jump up and go into carmen's room. her hand was drooping down from the bed. something had happened to her.

we sit outside carmen's hospital room, 482. they said she was stressed and passed out. theo was holding me closely, stopping me from crying. i was so worried about her. we were friends since kindergarten and i didnt want to lose her. "will she be ok-okay?" i say to theo, my voice breaking. "she will babe, she will be fine." he says comforting me. fine. surely carmen would hold on, if anyone could fight it. carmen could. she would.

i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! hope you didnt get too freaked out haha.
word count: 626 <3

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