Week With Verosika

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While I was cooking the remains of the giant fish monster in the IMP buildings kitchen, Verosika came in.

Verosika: Hey Shade, thanks for the help back there. How did you know we'd need help?

Shade: There were a ton people being murdered, plus a giant fish would be pretty noticeable. I expected the police to show up.

Verosika: Huh, ok. So anyways, me and my crew still got gigs for the week. Wanna join us? We could use a second singer.

Shade: Sure, just gotta let Blitzo know. Also I'm not doing anything sexual, I'll leave that to you and the others. I'm just in this for the singing.

Verosika: You sure? I wouldn't mind-

Shade: If you want to keep your vocal chords, don't finish that sentence.

That shut her up.

Verosika: OK. Just meet me in my office tomorrow.

She left and I kept cooking the fish. After that I went to talk with Blitzo.


Shade: Hey, come on. I wanna spend some time singing. And hey, if a target is there, I'll kill them while I'm there. And don't think you can fire me, remember I know the future.

Blitzo: FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU-fine. But your not getting paid.

Shade: Fine by me.


I met with Verosika after getting a list of names and pictures of victims from Blitzo. Me and the succubitches went up to a beach party in Florida. After Verosika sang her song, I decided to go with Casanova.

Even though my voice didn't have a magic affect like Verosika, the audience still went crazy. Also I found a lady on the kill list I got and split her in half.


Next we went to a California beach. I decided to sing Foolhardy.

I found 2 guys on the hit list, 2 bodies on spikes later the hit list was down 2 people.


Then we went to a lake party. I sang Manifest.

I found no targets, so I went home empty handed.


Next was a private party, I decided to go with Screenplay.

This time I found a bunch of targets at the party. I decided to leave an explosive surprise for them.

Shade: Hey Verosika, get everyone out of here as fast as possible.

Verosika: Why?

Shade: JUST DO IT. 

Verosika: OK.

After the demons got out, the mansion blew up and all that was left was a crater.


Another party, another song. Taki's Crucify. This time it was a duet with Verosika.

(Shade is Taki, Verosika is Sarv)
No targets again.


Went to another party, this time I sung Bob's Onslaught

Again, no targets. Which was fine because I already used the Bob style kill on Tuesday.


Shade: Well Verosika, I had fun. Thanks for letting me hang out.

Verosika: Any time. Also if you ever change your mind about wanting to get laid, just give me a call.

Shade: Not gonna happen. But thanks anyways, I guess.

So Verosika left and went to the Lust Ring. I went back to Moxxie and Millie's place. I thought about my week and how overall I had a good time. And also got ready to deal with the little shits and Collin since episode 4 was next.

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