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an·​i·​mus | \ ˈa-nə-məs  \

Definition of Animus

1a usually prejudiced and often spiteful or malevolent ill
  Will harbored an animus toward them

Achievement Unlocked: Ginger Snaps

interrupt by banging on the front door. "Josh?" She opened the bathroom door and ran out to the others. All of them looked like deer who just heard a twig snap. "Maybe it's Jess?" Mike gave Sam a look and shook his head. "He didn't kill her. Maybe it's Jess, maybe it's Matt, hell, maybe it's Josh. So go open the fucking door or I will." Morgan widened her eyes at the boys, expecting them to move. "Okay, I'm opening the door." Morgan walked over to the door, ignoring the pleas of Emily. Behind her followed Mike and Chris, getting read to shoot whoever was out there. "3...2...1" Chris put his hand on the knob but was quickly kicked back. An unknown man sauntered into the cabin. "Who the fuck are you?"

Mike held up the gun but quickly dropped it as the man twisted his wrist. "Lock this door, follow me." Morgan stared at the boys, locking the door and following the man. They all regrouped up in the main living room, the unknown man introduced himself to the group. He explained the horrors of the mountain, the monsters, or better known as The Wendigo, The Wendigo is an old supernatural being belonging to the spiritual traditions of Algonquian-speaking First Nations in North America. Windigos are described as powerful monsters that have a desire to kill and eat their victims. In most legends, humans transform into windigos because of their greed or weakness, or sometimes even cannibalism.

Morgan held her stomach, the pain and horror Hannah and Beth felt made the girl sick. Now she left Josh out there with those things. "Josh, he, we left him out there. We need to go get him." The man shook his head at the girl and her brother who protested. "He's probably already been taken. The mountain, it's cursed, doesn't want anyone here. Will make you do and say things, make you sick in the head even."

"Look, I left him out there. He's my best friend, I'm not leaving him." Chris stood tall, towering over the stange man. He scoffed and handed Chris his shot gun. "We'll have to hurry. You, give the girl your gun." Mike didn't bother to protest as Morgan held out her hand. He smacked the gun into her small palm as she smiled at him.

The two teens followed the man outside. Ashley made eye contact with Chris before she angrily walked away. Sam came and gave the three a small wave before locking the door behind them.

"So, how do we kill it?" The old man let out a soft cackle at the younger boys question. "You don't, well not with a gun that's for sure."

"W-what, why would you give us guns if you can't shoot them?" The man slowed down, walking next to the boy. "Their skin is an armor. Fire, is what makes that armor 'melt' shooting them does damage, not enough to kill them. You wanna kill them? Lead them to daylight, sun, heat, fire. Excessive fire, that's what will kill 'em."

Chris took in the information and kept it in his head. Maybe it will come in handy later. The three made their way to the shed. Morgan quickly and quietly ran ahead, entering the shed she expected to see Josh, but instead she saw and empty chair and blood on the ground. "Oh Josh." The girl once again let tears quickly fall, she wiped them away as the two men joined her. "It's to late, come one. We need to get back to the cabin, but be quiet."

They left the shed, hearing the trees shake and demonic screams come from the environment. "Don't. Move." Morgan stood in place next to her brother, quietly waiting for the creature to leave. Suddenly the pale tall creature jumped from the trees. Listening and waiting to hear a sound, Chris started walking backwards, stepping on a twig. Making the creature bare its sharp nails and teeth, swinging at the air.

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