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de·​spair | \ di-ˈsper  \

definition of despair

1utter loss of hope: a cry of despairgave up in despair

2a cause of hopelessness: an incorrigible child is the despair of his parents

I don't blame you
if you want to bury me in your memory

the gate and down the hall, trying to catch up with Mike. "Shit, it's locked. We have to try a different way." Morgan and Sam ran back to the other, regrouping with them in the basement. Morgan fell back, walking next to her injured brother, "You okay?" He just simply nodded, trying to ignore the shooting pain in his sprained ankle.

"I'll be okay, just give me a minute." The group stopped and all faced the boy, shaking their heads. "We need to get to Josh and Mike." Morgan looked back between the group and her brother. "Just give him a minute, we arent leaving anyone behind, no one else is dying tonight."

Morgan walked next to Sam with Emily, Ashley and Chris trailing behind. "Guys look, what about this." Morgan pointed to the drain cover, and with outskipping a beat Sam handed her a crowbar. Pulling the lid off, she shined her flashlight down into the dark, revealing an old ladder and a trail that led to the mines. "I'll go first."

Morgan wrapped her cold hands around the even more cold metal, bringing herself down into the mines. She followed Sam while Emily stood close behind. "Ash, stay close to Chris." Was all Morgan said before her and the other two trailes ahead.

"Do you guys hear that?" Morgan turned to the other girls who shook their heads no. "Go on ahead, I'm gonna wait for the others." Sam nodded, along with Emily "Be careful Morg."

Morgan watched as the two girls walked out of view, following the voice she heard. "Jess? Is that you."

"Please, help me! Help me!" Morgan was taken by surprise, she was happy Jess was alive, but skeptical on why she was down here. The cabin her and Mike were is at least ten miles away.

Curiosity got the best of the girl, her body dragged her the opposite way of both the groups of friends. She crept through puddles of mud and cold water, soaking her old shoes. "Shit."

"Please help me!" Was screamed and repeated over and over. It echoed through the mines and the girls ears.

"Jess, where the fuck are you? We aren't playing hide and seek dip shit." Morgan crept closer into the room. To the right of her was an old trapped door, bangs repeatedly came from it. The girl froze in fear, remembering what she read in the journal "They can mimick voices of their victims"

Morgan slowly inched backwards, trying to be as quiet as she could. Her foot tripped over a rock, causing her to fall. "What is this?" The girl picked up what she thought was a rock, it was red, maybe? She couldn't see the color, even with the help of her flashlight. As she turned it around, her vision blurred, she saw the Wendigo, it was dragging Josh over it's shoulder.

She was quickly snapped out of her vision? Daydream? She didn't know what it was, but all she knew was that she needed to find Josh before it was to late. She left the totem and ran back the way she came.

She quickly caught up with Sam and Emily, waiting infront of a rock wall with old stairs sticking out from it. "Hey, where did you go?"

Morgan debating on telling her friends what she heard and saw. "Um, we need to find Josh, right now!" The two girls just stared in confusion. "...Yeah, that's what we're doing. Are you okay?" Morgan nodded, trying to to let her fear get to her.

Moments later, Ashley and Chris entered the room, staring at the giant rock blocking the only way to the sanatorium. "Look, I'll go get Josh and Mike. You guys stay in the basement. No way Chris can climb that with his ankle."

Sam started to shoo the others away, none of them moving as a protest to her crazy plan. "Sam, we can't split up, let me come with you. You guys, go back to the safe room, I saw cans of food and water. We'll come back as soon as we can." With Morgans reassurance, the three made their way back the way they came.

"How good are your rock climbing skills?" Sam said with a smirk as she got ready to scale the wall. "Beth took us on weekly rock climbing dates. I think I know how to navigate." Morgan chuckled at the memory as she got in her ready position. "I'll race ya?"

"Oh you're on Hartley. On my count. 1...2...3...GO!" With Sam's count down the two raced to the top, trying to find all the cracks and crevices.

"I win Giddings." Was all Moegan said as she pulled herself up, offering a hand to Sam. The older good took it as Morgan pulled her friend up. "Come on, let's go find our friends."

The two made their way down a small tunnel, small so one was in the front and the other was in the back. They came to a fork, old creaky stairs, or the main path. The two looked at eachother, choosing what seemed to be the safest option. Sam found a shovel and Morgan grabbed an old pipe, anything they could defend themselves with.

"Sam, about earlier, I found something. It was a totem of some sort, when I turned it over I saw Josh, he was being dragged by the Wendigo. I don't know if it's to late or not." Sam stop in her tracks and turned towards the other. "I...I've seen things too. We need to hurry, cause it hasn't happened yet, not on my watch."

Morgan took Sam in a hug, a night filled with horror and adrenaline was wearing off on the girls, sudden realization and feeling finally hit the Hartley girl. "Come on, let's go get our friends."

With that, Sam put her hand on one of the doors, getting ready to open it. Before she could pull back, it was slammed open by Mike, followed by a Wendigo dressed in an old Miners outfit. "Kill it, fucking kill it Sam. Hit it, oh my god holy shit. Goddamn it, get this thing off me." Mike said while panting as the Wendigo clawed at his chest.

Sam and Morgan took turns hitting the creature, one final hit from Sam sent its head flying out the door. "Shut the fucking door." Morgan closed the door and offered a hand to Mike. "Holy shit, give me a minute. I'm out of breath. Holy shit I can't breathe."

Mike held his chest as he leaned against the door. "Come on Munroe, Josh isn't going to save himself." Mike nodded as he led the girls deeper into the mountains core.

HOLY SHIT GUYS. AFTER THIS, ITS ONE MORE CHAPTER TILL ITS OVER (At least the game events). Maybe I'll throw in a bonus chapter if I'm feeling generous

August 24, 2021

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