CHAPTER 01: In Your Memories

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Radhe Krishna

Let's start......

A big function hall in grand five start hotel of Kolkata city was decorated with lights, lamps and colourful flowers because there was an award function for global best achievers in the business field. All well-known businessmans, businesswomans, elite people and even entertainment media were also present there to witness this beautiful moment of their closed ones and some were to receive the awards and to appreciate the achievers. Outside press media was taking photos of most famous personalities of the nation and also with their families if they were present.

Suddenly all media attention went towards the one car which stopped infront of them followed by another two cars making them alert and curious as well as surprised because inside person was not an ordinary man or person but the successful businessman that too most wanted eligible bachelor whom every girl wants to marry him. Every girls dream man why not he was a perfect combination of handsome and hotness with fair complex and neat body features which could attract any girl's heart so easily. So many celebrities and girls tried to approach him but he never gave any damm to them and even their parents put proposal infront of his parents for their daughter's hand but he rejected them on the spot without a second. His family also never put a pressure on him to marry them because they knew well about their son and most importantly his choice. They wanted him to choose a girl himself whom he likes and about with whom he feels comfortable and wants to share his life with her but till now it never happened and they were eagerly waiting for the girl whose name has written in their son's life. He was a person with words, hard worker or say workaholic, an arrogant, attitude and angry young man. He never tolerates anything wrong in his work and never gives second chance to anyone. He won't compromise easily when it comes to his work. He needs everything in perfection or we can call him as a Mr. Perfect in another word but when it comes his family, he is most loving, caring son of his parents and protective brother for his siblings and most importantly pride of his Bade Papa whom he considered as a role model in business world. He was none other than the Mr. Sanskar Maheswari, MD of the Karma Textiles and Fashion House which was no. 1 in Asian continent and opened it's branches in all over the world and most famous for it's brand clothing. He neither gave any interview nor attended any function but for the first time in these five years he was appearing for the award function which left all wondered about him. One security guard opened his car back door and Sanskar stepped down from the car making all camera focus on him only. As soon as he stepped out, all camera started to flash on him to take picture for breaking news. Sanskar moved towards entrance surrounded by his bodyguards. Media tried to approach him but got unsuccessful infront giant bodyguards and followed by Laksha Maheswari and Adarsh Maheswari. Durgaprasad Maheswari and Ramaprasad Maheswari got down from the another car followed by security. They all entered the hall and settled down on the seats where they were allocated to sit.

Sanskar was typing something in his mobile or say doing his office work by replying to emails, such a workaholic. Laksha shook his head by seeing workaholic brother even in this function also.

"Bhai, what are you doing?" Laksha asked purposefully knowing his brother what he was doing.

"Can't you see Lucky?" Sanskar replied without removing his eyes from his mobile screen. Laksha made annoyed face by listening him and Adarsh chuckled by seeing Laksha's annoyed face.

"I can see Bhai but do you know where we are now?"Laksha asked him again, more than asking its irritate to his brother.

"So what?" Sanskar said still his eyes on screen. Laksha got irritate by seeing him but he knew his brother so he loves to tease and irritate him. No one has dare to tease or irritate him in home except Laksha and his best friend Arav.

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