CHAPTER 16: Biggest fear

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Radhe Krishna

Let's start..

Arav driving the car and Ruhi was sitting in passanger seat while loking outside with lost look. Arav looked at her who was sitting silently so he thought to talk with her.

"Ms. Ruhi" Arav called her slowly. Ruhi who was lost in her thoughts came into sense, turned and looked at Arav who was looking at her with soft eyes. He could read her that she was thinking about past so he thought to cheer her up.

"You should have stayed at Swara's home right?" Arav asked hoping to get positive answer instead of opposite reply.

"I have work Mr. Arav" Ruhi said with cold tone and again turned towards window not giving chance to Arav to ask again anything. Arav signed with disappointment by seeing her cold behaviour.

"God! Please help me" Arav prayed in his mind while making sad face. He couldn't disturbed her by knowing that she was disturbed about something so he let her alone.

They reached Ruhi's apartment and Arav stopped the car with sudden halt. Ruhi came into sense and looked at Arav with questionable eyes.

"Your apartment" Arav said while signing her through his eyes.

"Thank you" Ruhi said with normal tone and got down from the car. She marched towards gate without turning back and Arav kept looking at her retreating figure untill she disappeared from his sight.

"Chal Arav beta, you need to do lot of hard work" Arav signed and started his car.

Bose Mansion

Shekhar, Shomi, Ragini and Swara were sitting in living hall while talking.

"Swara beta" Shekhar called her on which Swara looked at him by turning her head.

"Why don't you tell Sanskar being Vihaan?" Shekhar asked her making Swara became silent.

"No Uncle, not now. I am afraid about his life uncle because he doesn't remember anything and also what would he think about me if I tell him being Vihaan. If he thinks that I am taking advantage of him and behind his money and fame then I won't be able to bear that pain. I can wait for him till he remembers and I have belief that he will remember soon and moreover by telling him about all past, I don't want to put pressure on his mind and put his life on stake. I am happy that atleast he is infront of me now" Swara said with sad smile.

"My biggest fear is that Someone is behind me uncle. I don't want to put Naira and Sanskar's life in danger untill I find about him who called me about that night" Swara thought in her mind.

"Ok beta, we won't force you and wish that you will get your happiness soon" Shekhar said with smile and Swara also smiled back. After sometime all retired to their respective rooms. Swara was going towards her room and hear her mobile beep of message. She opened and saw message from Sanskar. Her face lit up by seeing his name on screen and she opened and read the message.

"Thank you for the gift and it's so beautiful"

Swara read the message and pleasant smile appeared on her lips by remembering him.

"It's just a small broach. I didn't get what to give you so thought you might like it" Swara replied back.

Sanskar who was going towards bed to sleep, heard message beep and opened his message box. He got happy by seeing quick reply from Swara and opened to read. He smiled reading it.

"It's more precious than anything because it's made by you only" Sanskar hit send button and waited for her reply.

Swara who heard message beep, opened to read it.

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