CHAPTER 13: Marriage, A Pious Relation

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Radhe Krishna

Let's start....

Morning, Swara woke up due to sun rays which was peeping from glass window. She rubbed her her eyes to get clear view. She opened her eyes fully and felt she was feeling something light in her heart. She remembered about night incident and a tint of blush appeared on her cheeks by remembering his confession. Immediately her eyes searched for Vihaan and found him on couch who was sleeping soundly. She felt him moving so she lied again and closed her eyes. Vihaan whoke up and saw time as it was showing 7 am.

"Ohh no!!" Vihaan sat on sofa immediately by seeing the time and saw towards bed where he found Swara was still sleeping. A pleasant smile appeared on his lips by seeing her and last night confession. He got up from the bed and moved towards her and stood beside Swara who was pretending to be sleep. Swara felt his presence beside her but not dare to open her eyes. Vihaan stood while staring at her flawless face which he found more beautiful and cute at the same time. Vihaan bent and his face was little apart from Swara. Swara's breathe hitched in her throat by feeling his hot breathe fanning on her face, she clutched the bedsheet to control her racing heart in the fear that he could listen her heart beat. Vihaan placed a soft kiss on her forehead before retreating his face from her. Swara felt something soothing by feeling his lips on her forehead at the same time she felt butterflies in her stomach. Vihaan covered her properly and went out to get ready. Swara opened her eyes as soon as she heard door closing sound and breathed out with relief sign. She touched her forehead and a shy smile appeared on her face. She looked at the time again as it was showing 7.15 am. She sat on bed while hugging her legs, keeping her chin on knees.

"What is happening with me? Why I feel so peaceful and calm whenever you are with me? Why my heart beat raises as you come near me? Why I feel so secure when you hug me and give comfort? I want your presence around me, why? Is it just attraction or love?" Swara said herself with shy smile.

"If it is love then I won't make any delay to confess my feelings for you but before that I have to tell you truth" Swara thought and got down from the bed as She didn't feel to sleep after whatever happened before so she went to get ready.

Swara and Vihaan were sitting for breakfast and having breakfast silently. Vihaan was behaving normally but Swara was behaving weirdly which made Vihaan guilty as he thought because of his confession she was trying to avoid him but that was not the case with Swara. She was feeling too shy to face Vihaan since his confession. She wanted to give reply for his confession but struggling to talk with him. Vihaan observed her who was playing with food so he started the conversation because he doesn't want to make it awkward for both of them when they were staying under the same roof.

"Swara" Vihaan called her with soft tone, not to scare her as he noticed her that she was being lost in her thoughts. Swara lifted her head by hearing him but didn't dare to look at his face as she was feeling shy to look at him.

"Swara, I am sorry. I din't have any intention to confess my feelings for you and make it awkward for both of us. I shouldn't have confess but at that time I couldn't hold myself back so blurted out everything. I am sorry but please don't try to avoid me because of my confession. I know it's one sided love and you don't need to reciprocate my feelings. I just told what I am feeling that doesn't mean you should also love me back but don't try to avoid me. You know, I have only you, no one else." Vihaan said with guilty tone. Swara who heard look at him by hearing last word. She looked into his eyes who was already loking at her apologetically. She sighed by seeing it and left the spoon and got up from her chair. Vihaan got confused by seeing her and staring at her only who started to come near him. Vihaan got more confused when she stood infront of him as he also got up from his seat.

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