CHAPTER 07: Unavoidable feelings

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Radhe Krishna

Let's start....

Sanskar entered inside with bang as still he was boiling with anger and frustration not getting what to do at right now. He took out his mobile to call but stopped by seeing time as it was midnight. He texted Karl to find about that number and then he threw his mobile on bed in frustration. He ruffled his hairs being angry over himself for feeling helpless at this time. He was not understanding why she holds so much affect on him, just he couldn't able to bear any harm or danger near her. After hearing about Swara's condition, his blood started to boil at the same time he wanted to kill him whoever that was, he wanted to embrace and make her feel safe but he was helpless to do. For a second he thought to run to her and embrace her to protect from this evil world. He looked at the time again and wished, this night would pass soon so that he could do something for her.

He threw himself on bed half lying and kept staring at ceiling with blank face.

"Swara, who are you actually? Why I am feeling very desperate to see you and talk with you? Why my heart always wants to see you since the day I saw you first time at award function. I got heart broken by knowing that you are married at the same time I felt your pain by knowing that you lost your family and raising Naira alone. I don't know why but I felt so connected to Naira at first time by seeing her in Arush's school without knowing that she is your daughter. No one disturbed me like you do. No one held this much affect on me as you have. Yes, my heart fell for you at first sight only which I kept ignoring. Day by day you started to occupy my whole mind and heart without my knowledge. I don't know why but I felt we met before. My heart wants to see you and talk with you but how and but with what relation? Who are you actually Swara? I went through your background  inorder to find truth about your family so that I can pacify my heart which was very desperate to know about what connection do we have but I got nothing there except you were staying in Bangalore for 6 years and you lost your husband 5 years back but nothing about him. Why my life became so much complicated which I am not understanding at right now. One side I am desperate for you and another side my nightmares which I have never experienced, don't know why I am having those nightmares which was telling me another unknown story of my life which was stopping me from to talking with you" Sanskar was thinking about his life. He didn't know when he drifted into sleep and woke up by hearing continuous knock sound on his door. He lazily opened his eyes and felt burning sensation due to lack of sleep. He opened with difficulty by hearing continuous knock. He went to open the door and found Uttara on doorstep.

"Bhai, Mom asked you to come down soon" Uttara told while giving him coffee mug and ran downstairs again without waiting for his reply.
Sanskar closed door and kept coffee mug on table and went to get fresh up. He came out from the washroom after having bath and called Karl still wearing his dress for pooja which Sujata had given yesterday only.
Karl received Sanskar's call in one ring only.

"Karl, I sent one number at night and find out about him. I need every information about him within an hour at any cost" Sanskar ordered him in his bossy tone and cut the call without waiting for reply. He wore his clothes and came out from his walk in closet after getting fully ready with white Kurta and paijam. He stuffed his mobile in his pocket and went downstairs.

Bose Mansion

Swara woke up by feeling tap on her shoulder and opened her eyes lazily while turning. She opened it completely and looked at the person who was standing beside the bed with hands over her chest and looking at  Swara.

"Baby you woke up? Sorry I don't know how I slept till now" Swara said and got down from the bed hurriedly.

"When you woke up?" Swara asked while tying her hairs.

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