CHAPTER 04: glimps of sweet memory

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Radhe Krishna

Let's start.....

Bose Mansion

Swara and Naira entered inside their mansion after coming from Maheswari Mansion.

"Baby, you will get fresh up, till then lunch will be ready" Swara said while removing her school bag.

"Sarala, arrange lunch on table" Swara said loudly standing in living hall to who was in kitchen.

"Let's go" Swara said with smile and both went to their room. After getting fresh up Swara and Naira was sitting around dining table. Swara served in plate and brought a morsel to feed Naira but she didn't open her mouth.

"Baby, aren't you hungry?" Swara asked her with soft tone by seeing her not opening her mouth.

"I had food in Aru's home" Naira said making Swara surprised.

"You had?" Swara asked her surprisingly.

"Yes, Aru's Choti Dadi fed me" Naira said with smiling brightly.

"Mumma, Aru's chachu is so nice and even all are so nice in their family. He brought us ice cream and Aru's Bua became my new friend" Naira was saying being excited which made Swara smile.

"So Naira baby had lunch already then what shall we do now?" Swara asked her while making her sit on table.
Naira looked at Swara who was sitting infront of her and looked beside food plate. She took food plate in her hand making Swara confuse. Swara was just observing her actions. Naira took morsel and extended her hand to feed Swara making her smile. Swara ate it making Naira smile.

"I know you didn't had lunch" Naira said and started to feed her making Swara overwhelm.

After lunch Swara brought her to room to make her sleep to get afternoon nap.

Naira was lying while keeping her head on Swara's lap who was half lying on bed and caressing Naira's hairs to make her get sleep.

"Mumma" Naira called Swara while tilting her head little. Swara looked down at Naira while coming out of her thoughts.

"Yes baby" Swara replied with smile by seeing her.

"Are you missing Papa?" Naira asked Swara out of blue making Swara confused. Swara thought how she got to know but smiled at her. She made Naira sit on her lap and started to caress her hairs slowly.

"No baby, why would I miss your Papa? He isn't too far to miss him, he is always with me and with you" Swara said with small smile and looked at Naira who lifted her head to look at Swara.

"Mumma, tell me about Papa?" Naira demanded her.

"About your Papa? Do you want to hear?" Swara asked her and
Naira shook her head with smile.

"One day is not enough to tell about your Papa. He is very kind, soft hearted, loving, caring, best friend, best husband and most importantly best life partner anyone could get" Swara drawn into her memory lane.


"Swara.....Swara...." Vihaan was calling her name loudly while standing infront of mirror in their bed room.

"Ha Vihaan, I am coming" Swara shouted from kitchen and she hurriedly walked towards their bedroom with fast step.

"Ha Vihaan, I am here only, why are you shouting?" Swara asked him while entering inside.

"Where I am shouting? I am just calling my wife" Vihaan said making innocent face.

"You are shouting like some thief has entered in our house" Swara said while glaring at him.

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