CHAPTER 09: Vihaan's real identity

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Radhe Krishna

Guys before reading first read this before asking me your doubts. Here I mentioned Sanskar as Vihaan and Swara as Shona only because here Swara was telling her past where she doesn't know Vihaan's real identity as Sanskar and Shona's real identity as Swara. You will get to know in next chapter why Ruhi couldn't able to find Swara all these years, be patient till I update next chapter. Enjoy reading...

Let's start....

Bose Mansion

Ragini, Swara and Ruhi were sitting in living hall while talking with each other. Still Swara didn't ask Ruhi anything same with Ruhi also but both were very desperate to know what had happened after the accident but both were not wanting to make wound on already healing heart by asking about past. Swara couldn't wait more but to ask as she wanted to confirm Vihaan's identity.

"Ruhi, how Sanskar knew about Bhai?" Swara couldn't help but to ask.
Ruhi got silent after hearing her but looked at Swara who was looking at her with concern eyes. Ruhi Closed her eyes while taking deep breath and then opened it.

"Before one week of accident Arjun met Sanskar in fashion contest. They became friends which surprised me also because Arjun never got attached with anyone except me and you but he made friendship with Sanskar. We spent four days while roaming and enjoying around Darjeeling. Then I left to Manhattan to meet my parents which you know already. On the day I left they met with an accident and Arjun...." Huge gulf formed in her throat to say further and tears formed in her eyes by remembering their past moments.
Swara sat beside her quickly and started to rub her back to console her.
Ruhi wiped her tears quickly by seeing Swara as she knew that it must be very painful for her also to remember her brother who was her only family and supporter.

"When I went to Manhattan to meet Maa, Papa. Papa was hospitalised already for minor heart attack due to some issue in business so I needed to stay in hospital for a week as his body was week so doctor advised him to get complete bed rest. I couldn't able to reach you or Arjun. Otherwise I would have rushed back after knowing about accident" Ruhi said with broken tone for being guilty.

"I got to know about accident after a week when I called to his office and I rushed to India but neither able to see his face at last time nor you. You were nowhere to be seen. I tried to search your address but got nothing. I called you hundred times but only got unreachable. I regretted not asking about your whereabouts from Arjun. I left to Manhattan after a week as Maa Papa forced me to come to Manhattan as I couldn't stop crying while remembering Arjun" Ruhi stopped and looked Swara who was also in tears along with her.

Swara side hugged her to console as she was also in pain but couldn't show it where she knew about her how much she was missing her brother.

"Where were you all these years? And why couldn't you try to call me back?" Ruhi asked her while wiping her tears.
Swara got silent after listening her. One thing she got to know that Vihaan was Sanskar only which made her happy at the same time sad by knowing that he forgot about her.

"If you don't want to share then I won't force you" Ruhi said while pressing her hands and trying to console her but one thing was hunting in Swara's head that how Ruhi met Sanskar later.

"How you met Sanskar later as you said you went to Manhattan" Swara asked her instead of answering her. Swara got that it was not possible for her to meet Sanskar after accident.

"I returned back to India after two years for completing my masters and applied for job in Maheswari's where I met Sanskar by coincidence and later joined his company. He became good friend of me after Arjun who knows my past and present" Ruhi said with sad smile and turned to look at Swara who was listening her with silence. Ragini was just silent audience for their conversation and didn't interrupted them because she also wanted to know about them but felt bad for knowing their pain and sufferings all these years which they have gone through.
Swara was battling herself that should she tell her about Vihaan or not? As she was in full of dilemma.

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