CHAPTER 17: Marriage Proposal

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Radhe Krishna

Let's start..

Maheswari Mansion
At night

Sanskar was walking too and fro while thinking deeply and heard knock on door. He asked to come in and Laksha entered inside while closing the door behind him.

"Bhai, what happened?" Laksha asked him while coming near him. Sanskar took deep breathe and turned towards Laksha who was looking at him for answer why he was called urgently.

"I want to propose Swara for marriage" Sanskar said making Laksha shocked as well as happy but at the same time worried also.

"Really?" Laksha asked him happily but soon his happiness changed into serious face.

"But why this sudden decesion? and do you think Swara will agree easily if you propose her for marriage? No way Bhai" Laksha said by remembering Ragini's words about Swara who told that Swara won't accept anyone as her husband except Vihaan.

"You know Bhai, she loves her husband and won't accept easily anyone and you need a lot of a time to make her accept you" Laksha said while looking at Sanskar who was listening him silently.

"But I didn't understand one thing, why you took this sudden decesion?" Laksha questioned him confusingly.

"Someone is threatening her and blackmailing her by Naira. I am very scared for their life. I can't sit here peacefully by knowing their life is in danger and they won't come here if I ask her so there is only one way to bring her here is marriage" Sanskar expressed his worries.

"We can arrange tight security around her home" Laksha suggested him but got a sharp glare from Sanskar so he shut his mouth.

"I agree that you want to marry her but will this solve the problem?" Laksha asked him putting his point.
Sanskar thought what Laksha told but his mind was not working at this moment.

"I don't know Lucky but I want both of them infront of my eyes then only I can stay peacefully otherwise I don't know what will I do" Sanskar said while closing his eyes.

"Bhai" Laksha said while keeping his hand on Sanskar's shoulder on which Sanskar turned towards him. Laksha felt sad by seeing his brother who was loking devastated as his eyes were moist.

"I don't know Lucky but I am not able imagine my life without them. I felt we have some connection whenever I see both of them and Naira, I see myself in Naira in everything. I don't know Swara will agree or not but I have to try my level best to convince her, if not marriage at least to stay infront of me" Sanskar said with sad tone.

"Ok Bhai, first you have to talk with Swara, if she agrees then talk with family. I am sure they don't oppose you because they want your happiness only. If your happiness with Swara and Naira then they will also be happy" Laksha said with calm tone.

"Now, don't take tension too much, just sleep and tomorrow you can talk with her" Laksha said and went out after talking with sometime. Sanskar came into balcony and sat on swing while gazing night sky while thinking about Swara.

Bose Mansion

Swara was sitting on Swing in her balcony and felt hand on her shoulder and then tilted her head to see and found Ruhi who was staring at her.

"Ruhi, come and sit" Swara asked her while moving aside to make space for her to sit. Ruhi settled beside her and looked at Swara who was gazing at night sky.

"What are you thinking Swara?" Ruhi asked her with calm tone.

"About Vihaan" Swara said and turned towards Ruhi who was already looking at her.

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