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Radhe Krishna

Let's start....

Bose Mansion

Swara entered inside her room to see her daughter wether she woke up or not and smiled by seeing her who was still sleeping on her stomach like her father. She came near her bed and sat beside her sleeping figure.

"Baby, wake up" Swara called her softly while caressing her hairs.

"Mumma, just five minutes" Naira said in her sleepy tone making Swara smile more by seeing her.

"Don't you want to go school and invite your friends to birthday party?" Swara used most strong weapon to wake up her daughter.

"I want" Naira sat up on bed instantly by listening her and Swara got up from bed while laughing by seeing her quick reaction.

"Happy Birthday my most beautiful Naira baby" Swara said while picking her in her arms and kissed her both cheeks lovingly.

"Thank you Mumma" Naira also kissed her cheeks back making Swara smile.

"Put me down" Naira said after thinking something making Swara confused. Swara put her down and kept looking at her daughter's action who moved towards dressing table.
Naira went to dressing table and picked up one photo frame in her hand and kissed it.

"Happy Birthday Papa" Naira said making Swara's smile fade away by seeing her love for her Papa but soon she kept smiling face before her daughter notice it that she didn't want to make her daughter upset on her special day.

"So my baby wanted to wish Papa" Swara said while coming near her with smile.

"Yes" Naira said with chirpy, excited tone making Swara smile more.

"Swala, quickly take me to bath, I want to meet Arush" Naira ordered making Swara open her mouth.

"You chota packet" Swara went to tickle her but before that Naira ran inside bathroom while giggling. Swara laughed out by seeing her naughty daughter and she also went behind her.

Maheswari Mansion

Sanskar came down after getting ready in his office suit and Annapurna brought Arati plate and did his Arati where Sujata fed him sweet. Sanskar took blessings from both and moved towards dining table where Durgaprasad, Ram and other family members were present for morning breakfast.

Sanskar took blessings from his Bade Papa and his Father. All wished him Happy Birthday.

"Chachu, Happy Birthday" Arush jumped in Sanskar's arms and Sanskar picked him up in his arms with smile.

"Thank you Champ" Sanskar said with smile.

"Chachu, you drop me School today" Arush said demanding him.

"I am going early champ, It's only 8.30 am and your school is at 10 am right? Papa or Lucky Chachu will drop you" Sanskar said by hearing him while settling himself on chair to have breakfast and made him sit on his lap.

"I know but today is Naira's Birthday and I want to wish her first so going early" Arush said innocently making all admire him. Sanskar thought something and then looked at Arush.

"Ok champ, I will drop you at school, happy?" Sanskar said with smile making all wonder but they chose to keep quiet.

"Double happy" Arush jumped in happiness. Sanskar's attention went towards Laksha who was looking at Sanskar with raised eyebrow. Laksha gave him mischievous smile by seeing Sanskar. Sanskar averted his eyes quickly as he know that Laksha woukd pull his leg unnecessarily so he thought to ignore him.

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