CHAPTER 06: Unknown call

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Radhe Krishna

Let's start

"But it's useless to talk now. It's a crime to desire for her even after knowing she is married and has child" Sanskar said with sign while getting up to go.

"Bye, it's getting late" Sanskar said while buttoning his coat button.
Arav didn't say anything as he didn't know what to say at right now so he chose to keep quiet.

"Don't forget to come home tomorrow. Otherwise Mom will take your class" Sanskar said while moving ahead.

"Yes, I know" Arav said with chuckle.

Both went down and Sanskar left to Maheswari Mansion.

Swara was sitting beside sleeping Naira who was sleeping due to medicine affect and Swara was sitting beside her while doing her work. Swara's mobile started to vibrate, she quickly received it by seeing caller ID.

"Hello Ragini" Swara said low tone.

"How is Naira now?" Ragini asked her with concern.

"Now, she is fine and sleeping. She ate mushroom during lunch so got fever and rashes" Swara told her how she ate it.

"Ok call me if you need anything" Ragini said with concern.

They talked for sometime and hung up the call.

Maheswari Mansion
At night

Laksha was discussing something with Sanskar about business in Sanskar's study. His mobile started to buzz getting both attention. Laksha quickly received it after seeing caller ID and went to balcony to talk.

"Hello Lucky, what are you doing?" Ragini asked him with chirpy tone.

"Ragini, you must be dead if you would have been infront of me till now" Laksha said little bit angry tone.

"What did I do?" Ragini asked him being confused.

"Why didn't you tell me that Swara is married and has child?" Laksha complained like child.

Ragini bit her tongue.

"Woh Lucky, I wanted to tell about her but Swara doesn't like to discuss about this matter with anyone. About Naira, I wanted introduce her to you directly as surprise but you came to know. Sorry, please forgive me" Ragini asked him with puppy face making Laksha melt easily.

"Ok, I forgive you but don't hide anything from me again" Laksha asked like a child as he knew he couldn't keep his anger with her more than a five minutes so it's of no use of being angry with her.

"Ok Baba, I am sorry" Ragini said again apologetically.

"But why you got angry over that small matter" Ragini asked him being confused.

"No...thing, just asked" Laksha said with stammering tone.

"Lucky, tell me the truth" Ragini demanded him answer by listening him stammering.

"I will tell you tomorrow when we meet but not now" Laksha told while eyeing Sanskar with corner of his eyes.

"No, I won't able to meet you tomorrow as Swara is not coming to office so I have to look after everything. Naira is not well so she won't come" Ragini told him.

"How is she now?" Laksha asked her with concern because he heard about her so much from Arush and even from family ladies also.

"Now she is fine" Ragini said. They talked for sometime and hung up the call. Laksha entered inside and settled down infront of Sanskar.

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