unknown but still unknow💔 (last part)

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Vansh covered himself with blanket and now Ridhima also don't want to eat. She looked at vansh who was laying on her bed. She got the glimpse of all the things that he had done when he came as vihaan. Her eyes got filled the tears so she closed her eyes to prevent her tears to come out.

Time skipped now it was evening time, Ridhima was sitting in the lobby and playing with Ramya. Vansh came there and sat.

Vansh: can I also play with you both.

Ramya: but it's a duo game nah...so how can you play.

Vansh: I will be in your team.

Ramya: then it will be cheating nah.....

Ridhima: don't worry beta....he is habitual of this.

Vansh looked at her with helpless eyes...seems like he wants to undo his past.

Vansh: you both play I will see and cheer for you.

Ramya: Ri I am getting bore with this game....I want to do craft work so I am going to my room.

Ridhima: ok

Ramya ran from the lobby....now vansh and Ridhima alone and this is a golden chance for vansh.

Vansh: Ridhima please give me one chance.

Ridhima: for what and who I am to do.

Vansh: once to our Relationship and our love.

Ridhima: which Relationship and which love....I can never love anyone...I only betray and take advantage of their situation as I did with Raisinghania family....ooh sorry with you and your family.

Vansh: Ridhima why are you doing this....I know you are not happy with this.

Ridhima: I am happy. at least here is no one who hates me as you and your family does.  And seriously  I deserve this hatred because I am a fool....I am mad because I forgot love is not meant for me....so how can I expect this from anyone moreover when I am an orphan and poor...I don't match your status.

Vansh closed his in pain and tears rolled down from his eye. He said " Ridhima please can you forget all this this......I know all these things are not true...I said all this because I was angry with you."

Ridhima: vihaan but it's bitter truth of my life.....

Vansh: Ridhima, I am ready for any punishment...but at least call me by my name.....I am dying to hear my name.

Ridhima: are you ready for any punishment if I call you by your name.

Vansh: hmm...

Ridhima: then you have to go back to your family and you will never come in front of me.

Vansh looked at her with surprise and said "living without is worst than dying....why don't you kill me"

Ridhima: I know you are doing this because you want to take revenge on me....you want to break me emotionally then you will throw me out of your life......for your kind information I am broken beyond the repair and I am already out from your life....so there is no need put so many efforts for this task. Your mission is successful.

Vansh: you think so low about me.

Ridhima: there is nothing to think.because I know it is a bitter truth that I heard in your library....sorry for failing your plan.....I am telling you nah....I am not living...I am just breathing and if you are thinking your revenge is not yet complete then take my breath too.

Vansh closed his eyes as he can't see in her....and looked another side.

Ridhima: what happen? I didn't hear your conversation intentionally I was just passing and I was not spying on you.....but I don't have a proof for this.....I know you will not believe me because you only believe in proofs.

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