love that feel right 💗 4

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Now Ridhima started her company and waiting for the person who is appointed by Angre as her Secretary.....Door opened, with looking person Ridhima asked him to come in while was doing something in laptop....Person came and Ridhima looked at him...she was frozen for a moment and things started roaming and a hot tear escaped from her eye, looking at person.....she stood up from her chair and moved to him.


Vansh: yes Ridhima, I don't need any clarification and living with you I came to know all the things about lovely and good person you are....

Ridhima was crying in his arms like nothing is left. Vansh" Ridhima give me a chance to repent things and cancel out my wrongdoing with you...give me chance where I love you and fill your life with happiness the way you want...

Ridhima looked at him while wiped her tears. Ridhima said "vansh but I can never love you back....mai tumse kabhi pyaar nhi kr paungi. You disappeared all the love from my heart and even I can get it back for you...I don't hate you but although I can't love you. Since birth, I never got any kind of love, not sisterly love, not daughter wala and not lover wala.....I had something in my heart which to use call love now that you vanished"

For the first time, she was talking to him directly looking into his eyes and without breaking the words.
Vansh held her hand and smiled a little bit " Ridhima you are taking me wrong, I am not saying you love me....I am asking for a chance I give love, respect to you. I know my action affected you harshly so I am not expecting anything from you. I just don't want to you go away from me...I will do anything for that......I will give all the love for that you craved since your birth, in return you have to just stay with me...."

Ridhima like a child: you will give me all the love.....yes I want to know is living with a person is known as love, or respecting a person is known as love, or physically satisfying is known as love, yes I want to know it feels when someone truly loves you.

Vansh: you will feel Ridhima. I know I can't make you trust me by words but I will do all the things that can bring happiness in your life even I get hurt in return...I will happily accept but I will bring word's all the happiness in your life.

Ridhima: vansh what made you change your perception about me....

Vansh: because I don't want to lose you at any sleep it's late.

Both laid down to their respective side...and tossing but sleep was far. When he turned he saw Ridhima was looking at him then he spread his arm and Ridhima happily moved in his arms, keeping her head on his chest as their pressed with each other they felt something but understand these feeling was not the cup of their tea...they never got love in there live so there unknown to all these feelings.....

In the morning vansh brought Ridhima downstairs in his arms, made breakfast for her and fed her with his hands...she silently let him do what he want to do either it is helping her in getting ready or feeding.
He made ready for the press conference as he won the award and they are coming for taking his interview....

All are sited and asking questions to vansh he was reply to them...but Ridhima was not feeling good...her head was aching and she was feeling little dizzy....she fell from her chair and everyone stood up...vansh took her in arm and patted her cheek and called " Ridhima...Ridhima". Someone sprinkled water on her face she opened her eyes and jerked vansh.....

Vansh: what happened...

Vansh came to her but in she slapped him and said " stay away from made my life hell Vansh Raisinghania...." All looked at vansh.

Reportirs : what are you saying ma'am

Ridhima: He...(pointed to vansh) He is doing domestic violence on me.....

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