lady don ☄

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Here Ridhima is mafia just like vansh as he was in the show. Here too she is an orphan and this cruel world made her enter in mafia world and now she is underworld queen....people know her as "lady don"
She lives with Ragini and Ragini's sister Ahana in a big mansion as they both lived together in an orphanage.

Here vansh is a normal and even poor man who living with his mother and two sisters ishani and siya . His father was killed by a mafia and he hates even word of the mafia. vansh work as a chef to earn their shelter.

Ridhima has a best friend sejal who is like a shadow to her....she is very close and helps her like Angre was doing in the show.

Sejal: Ridhu we need to convert our black money into a legal one otherwise we are in danger....what is someone informed CBI.....

Ridhima: no!! Find someone who didn't have connection to our world and we can trust them....

Sejal: today we have to go orphanage and distribute things to children...

Ridhima went to the orphanage and spent time with them felt peace in her heart. When Ridhima was about to come out of the orphanage she notices a tall man who is distributing sweets to children and all children were clinging to him.....Ridhima was lost in him, in his eyes as they were very deep., ...his face was like a magnet that attracting her...she unknowingly moved to him. Ridhima was not able to take his eyes off from him....when she heard his voice that was also deep and intensive like his eyes. Now Ridhima was standing near him.

Vanish looked at Ridhima and frowned as she was staring at him like she will eat him raw. He snapped his finger in front of her then she came to her senses. " are you new to this place" asked Ridhima.

Vansh: yes miss!!

Ridhima with bossy tone: call me Ridhima....

Vansh: vansh!!

Ridhima: okay, you are staying here permanently or occasionally...

Vansh: occasionally and you!!

Ridhima: I don't do the job here.....I use to come to spend time with them....

Vansh: can be talk while walking...

Ridhima with a rough voice" why not" they started walking..." So you always talk like this" asked vansh. Ridhima frowned at his question." I mean you always talking this much roughly to people or I am special to you"

Ridhima murmured" very special"

Vansh: what??

Ridhima: I am like this only....I don't change myself for people....

Vansh: okay! Who else is in your family?

Ridhima: my friend cum sister Sajal and one more friend and her sister.

Vansh: I asked about your family, not friends.

Ridhima: they are only my chosen family....I never saw my parent and I lived in this orphanage only...

Vansh: sorry!! I didn't know about that...
Vansh looked at her but she was plane and even she smiled when she looked at him.

Ridhima: it's okay!!! I am habitual of it.....who else is in your family...

Vansh: maa, two sisters siya and ishani.

Ridhima: nice family....are they younger or elder.

Vansh: younger...

Before They can talk more, Ridhima received a call from seal and she left but she gave her card to vansh and said " he can call her if he needs any help"
Days passed and one day Ridhima called vansh and asked him to she want to marry him but he refused....even from that he even didn't receive her call and avoid meeting her....

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