marriage: A turning point! part 4

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Ridhima drive car to Dubai as vansh is there and he will going to stay in his farm house ,So she going to surprise him and ask for forgive then new chapter will be going to start in their life.

Ridhima : soon we will going to lead a happy life. Vansh just wait and watch. I know you waited for this since long but I was being fool not to understand your love for me. But now I realised that we meant for eachother and I can't stay away from you. I hope you forgive me

Thinking all this she closed her eyes and then received a flashback

Ridhima: gussa ho?

Vansh (sternly): no....

Ridhima: sorry!!! I didn't know that....

He cut her in middle and spoke "why are you sorry....I was mad to expect anything from you.....please don't feel guilty and spoil your mood for unimportant person.....I am not angry at all as I don't have any right on you because I forcefully married you nah.....(closing his eyes in pain) you can stay with him as much as you want....but please don't reveal about it to dadi....."

Ridhima: I really didn't know that you planned a date for us....dadi told me...

Vansh (sadly): does it matter to you....what I am thinking or planning......i was mad to plane surprise for you.....since starting I am unwanted piece in your life. But from now I am not going to trouble you and hardly going to show you my your life the way you want "

Her thoughts were broken by some noise from outside. This made her remind a cosy moment, when he gave her love bit and her friend teased her like hell. Thinking all this she blushed hardly.

She drives as fast as she can do. Now she is standing at the door of the farmhouse...she had spare key that she has taken from dadi so that she can make some arrangements to impress him. She opened the door quietly and closed slowly then tip toeing she stepped inside.

When she reached in the hall, she herself received a shocked seeing her husband who was peacefully sleeping on the floor in sitting position by resting head on the sofa. A girls head resting in his lap and Angre was sleeping beside her.

She stambled and to balance herself she grabbed near by table. Bottle that was placed on the place fell due to shaking table, resulting in breaking their sleep. When vansh opened hai eyes and examined his surrounding founding his wife with tears. He quickly removed her head from her lap well knowing about her overpossessive side. Girl's head collied with floor and a pain full moan escaped from her mouth.

Vansh with shocked voice " Ridhima you, how...i mean..." Without listening what he was saying she ran from there with tears. Vansh too ran behind her and soon he caught her, cutesy to his long legs. She was wingling in his clutch.

Vansh: you are misunderstood the situation..

Ridhima with tears "I was fool to regret when you enjoying yourself on the name of business." Now all guilt vanished from her body and changed in anger seeing the scene.

Vansh: nhi Ridhima...i really came here for business only...

Ridhima sadly smiled " that I have seen. How you are doing business. Yesterday you lectured me when i just stayed with kabeer, when you very well aware about true reason then also you pretended that I was wrong...and made me feel guilty after that you are doing this..."

Vansh with slight sadly voice " you are taking the whole situation in wrong direction" Ridhima furiously said " because you are wrong Mr side you are showing to the people that I am not caring about your feelings and wishes but on the other hand behind my back you are enjoying here on the name of this first time that you doing this or your all business meeting are like same."

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