miss topper and mr handsome last part

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Wearing off-shoulder middy Ridhima was sitting in vansh lap and holding some pages on which some formula and reaction were written.....she was chanting them continuously and preparing theory of chemistry while vansh was busy in doing the practical of his subject one and only that is romance. Sliding her hairs from her back to front he kissed her back.

Ridhima: vansh!!! Let me focus on my work....

Pulling her by wrapping an arm around her belly brought his lips to her ear " do focus on your work who is stopping you....and why are you distraction me.....let me focus on my work." Saying this he bit her lobe. Ridhima turned her side to face and kept her legs on either side of his and arms on his shoulder then locked them.

Ridhima: vansh from last one hour you are doing this....abhi tk mann bhara nhi tmhra.

Vansh: no sweetheart.....from the last one hour I am trying to make your mood and hoping you will too join me.....but you are busy in this boring chemistry....sweetheart do little work out on our chemistry too.

Ridhima shyly smiled at his talks and said " you have two options " one is let me study or the second is you too join me..."

Vansh: you also have two options...1 let me do my romance......2 or join me in my session and reciprocate with the same passion as I am doing.

Ridhima: Tm kabhi nhi sudhroge nah vansh....

Vansh: you always teach me....today I will teach you romance.

Ridhima: shut up vansh!!

Vansh: why are you so boring and unromantic.

Ridhima: achha Ji!!! I am unromantic.

Bringing her one hand she traced one finger on his face and continued till her chest. He closed his eyes on feeling a wave of current in his body. clutching his shirt pulled his near and eyeing on his lips like a hungry lioness and he was looking while dragging his head little back as distance very less that making him different what she is doing. She rubbed her cheek on his in such a way that her lips brushed on his cheek and coming to his jaw She attached his jaw then moved to his neck with the shower of wet kisses and marking him. Vansh body melts and he fell on the bed as for the first time he is seeing her boldness....Ridhima goes to his ear and said in the husky voice " what were you saying Mr handsome...."

Vansh " I...I was..ss waiting for this..."

Ridhima smirked and said, " but I heard someone something else."

Vansh: not at all sweetheart.(smiled)

Taking the lead he took her beneath him and fused his lips with her. After breaking the kiss he was looking into her eyes....he was silent not uttering a word but Ridhima replied " I love you too"

Vansh smiled at her and said, " I love You ". He was happy that she came into his life and changed his life fully. Now he also has reason to wait for someone.....to happy for someone....to care, share his worries and problems...not only problems but happiness too, and fear of her scolding and fear of getting angry.........and someone there who will reciprocate all these emotions by heart.

He hugged her tightly because now she is his life. He was again looking into her eyes and want to ask something but getting nervous and afraid of her reply. She saw this hesitation and coming on his chest and looking into his eyes she asked "bolo??"

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