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"The crown prince is tired. Please come back later!"

The nobles were turning back and leaving, hearing the royal guards who were following the crown prince's order. They were saying something while leaving the scene, but those were inaudible to the crown prince who was sitting on his throne with two guards behind him.

Jungkook was scrolling through his phone.

Disappointed and irritated.

His hyungs were busy in greeting, when his friends were busy in either flirting or greeting other aristocrats with their family members. They said they would accompany him throughout the party without leaving his side, but after coming to the party all of them got busy with their own stuff. Not that it was something unexpected. It was a huge celebration, and they are all from noble families. Even if they were close friends, they can't possible babysit the crown prince in a party like this.

Jungkook, who was scrolling through his phone, finally shifted his attention to the party when an announcer came to the spotlight.

""May I have the attention of our respected nobles and royals present here~""

Everyone turned to him.

Looking towards the emperor and crown prince, ""I greet His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Seoulvenia, and His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince of Seoulvenia..."" , bowing, ""...With His Imperial Majesty's permission, may I begin the celebration? ""

The emperor nodded.

""My heart is fluttering seeing all the beautiful lords and madams present around me! Today is indeed the happiest day of this blessed empire!
It is the 100TH anniversary of the naming day of our empire~""

A brief history followed the speech. Jungkook roll his eyes. 'Every fucking year...'

The next few minutes Jungkook didn't listen to whatever the announcer was saying.

Few performances and acts happened. But Jungkook remained unimpressed.

He kept thinking about getting out of the party and finally getting some good sleep.

But his attention was brought back into the party again with the announcer saying,
""For this special day, for months we looked all over Seoulvenia, to seek out the BEST OF THE BEST talents for this day. And we found exceptional talented performers~"""

Jungkook narrowed his eyes.
'Is he talking about the slaves Yoongi hyung mentioned earlier?'

Even though he expressed his disinterest in them, but Yoongi mentioning it did make Jungkook interested without him realising.

""Madams and my lords... I present you The dancers from Ruvana~""

The announcement didn't get any claps or cheers, but whispers.


"Slaves right?"


But soon the whispers stopped when a dancer came out while the ballroom trembled with drumrolls.

The dancer entered the ballroom dancing, along with several female dancers dressed in the same traditional outfit. Even without the different outfit, the aura he radiated, it instantly caught the attention of everyone present there. He started moving with every beat the drum was making.

He was confident and charismatic.

The aristocrats present there couldn't help but concentrate on him and him only.

While everyone couldn’t look away from the male dancer, his performance was followed by another beautiful female dancer

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While everyone couldn’t look away from the male dancer, his performance was followed by another beautiful female dancer. Both of them captured the attention of all the criticising people in that ballroom.

They earned their claps and cheers.

Even the Crown prince who was not interested in the celebration at all, was now invested in their show.

But the next thing Jungkook saw, made him feel something that he never felt before in his life....

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